The topic of this design is "xiangfan jiangshan residential area D family steel structure residential building", designed as a residential building in multi-layer steel structure, with 6 floors and a total floor area of 3400 m2, of which the main structure is steel frame structure.
In general,this design can be divided into architectural design and structural design.Among them, the architectural design part needs to complete the determination of architectural plans and the drawing of relevant construction drawings, and it also needs to use relevant architectural knowledge.And the main structure design part needs to be done related to the load calculation, internal force combination, as well as relevant node operation and design work, including the constant load , live load, wind load and earthquake load calculation. After the internal force combination, we need to complete the related node checking and design work.
In addition, the design needs to be used by a PKPM to model the structure, to do the relevant calculations, and then to do the analysis, so that we can ensure the accuracy and design of the calculation.
By completing this design, it can make us learn general steel structure housing and the method of structure design, study the application of related software, which has laid a solid foundation for our future work.
Key word:Civil engineering design,Steel frame structure,Residential building of steel structure
结构形式:主体结构形式为多层钢框架结构,框架柱、梁均采用热轧H 型钢;
墙体做法:外墙采用 250 mm 厚加气混凝土砌块,分户墙采用 200 mm 厚加气混凝土砌块,内墙采用 150 mm 厚加气混凝土砌块。

绪论 1
一、计算书 2
1. 工程设计说明 2
1.1 设计依据 2
1.2 工程概况 2
1.3 结构形式与选型 2
2. 结构布置 3
2.1 结构布置 3
2.2 确定计算简图 4
3. 荷载计算 5
3.1 墙体工程 5
3.2 恒荷载标准值计算 5
3.3 活荷载标准值计算 6
4. 梁柱初选 7
4.1 屋面梁的初选 7
4.2 柱子的初选 7
4.3 组合楼盖的初选 8
4.4 各单元线刚度 9
4.5 各节点弯矩分配系数 10
5. 恒荷载与活荷载计算 14
5.1 一榀框架图 14
5.2 恒荷载作用下框架的受力简图 23
5.3 恒荷载作用下框架的内力计算 24
5.4 活荷载作用下框架的内力简图 34
5.5 活荷载作用下框架的内力计算 35
6. 风荷载计算 46
6.1 风荷载标准值计算 46
6.2 风荷载侧移计算 48
6.3 风荷载作用下框架内力计算 49
7. 地震荷载计算 57
7.1 重力荷载代表值 57
7.2 特征周期的确定 58
7.3 框架地震周期 58
7.4 地震作用层间位移计算 58
7.5 地震作用下内力计算 60
8. 内力组合 66
8.1 内力组合概述 66
6.2 框架梁柱内力组合表 66
9. 截面验算 79
9.1 柱截面验算 79
9.2 梁截面验算 82
10. 节点计算 84
10.1 梁柱的连接设计 84
10.2 主、次梁的连接设计 88
10.3 钢柱的拼接 90
10.4 柱脚设计 93
11. 楼梯设计 96
11.1 踏步板计算 96
11.2 斜梁计算 97
11.3 平台梁计算 98
11.4 挠度验算 99
12. 板配筋计算 100
12.1 屋面板配筋计算 100
12.2 楼面板配筋计算 104
13. 基础设计 105
13.1 工程地质条件 105
13.2 A 柱独立基础设计 105
13.3 CD 柱联合基础设计 109
13.4 F 柱独立基础设计 111
二、PKPM计算 112
1. 建立平面模型 112
1.1 三维模型建立与荷载输入 112
1.2 结构楼面布置信息 113
1.3 楼面荷载传导与计算 113
2. SATWE分析设计 114
2.1 参数定义 114
2.2 SATWE 计算结果分析 118
3. PK 计算及分析 123
3.1 PK 交互计算 123
3.2 PKPM 电算结果分析 127
4. 绘制施工图 128
4.1 参数设计 128
4.2 绘制施工图 132
结束语 139
参考文献 140