Abstract: This article focuses on office design. The design are two parts, including architectural design, structural design. The graduation project is a required course in civil engineering. My office design uses a seven-story steel frame structure. According to design requirements, fortification intensity of 7 degrees, seismic rating of two, designed without regard to seismic design. The design includes parts of the building structural elements, stair, foundation.
The main structure of the program is two-way load-bearing framework. During the estimate of the load calculation and components section, select one specimens of the framework to calculate, calculation includes the selection of the frame beam and column dimensions and stiffness calculation; dead loads, live loads, wind on the force combinations; stairs reinforcement calculation and foundation reinforcement calculation. The staircase of reinforced concrete slabs stairs; due to the limitations of column grids, basic reinforced concrete columns under an independent basis. The entire design is in line with the design and construction requirement, has a certain rationality.
By drawing on the office floor plans, sections, construction drawings and structural design, familiar with the whole process of design, to master the basic methods of structural design calculations, completed graduation design task. At the same time, a deeper understanding on the professional knowledge and basic concepts, thereby increasing the ability to analyze and solve practical problems.
Key words: office building design, steel frame, structural design, single foundation under column
1.1 工程概况
1.1.1 建筑概况
南京市某无线电生产基地办公楼,平面尺寸为45.1m×17.0m,地上主体 7层,总建筑面积约5200m2,建筑总高度为28.5m,采用多层钢框架结构,建筑结构安全等级为二级,建筑设计合理年限为50年,抗震设防烈度为7度,设计基本地震加速度值为0.10g,设计地震分组为第一组,地基基础设计等级为丙级,建筑抗震设防类别为标准设防类(丙类)。
图1.1.1 柱网布置图
1.1.2 工程地质条件
① 层——耕土,层厚为1.2m,地基容许承载力为70kN/m2;;r=18.0。
② 层——粉土,层厚为9.0m;ω=28%,Il=0.92,e=0.88,r=17.5,c=14.6,ps=0.68MPa,fak=200KPa。
③ 层——粉土,层厚为6.0m。ω=19%,,r=18.5,e=0.85,c=3.2,ps=1.10MPa,fak=140KPa。
1.1.3 施工技术条件

目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 2
第一章 建筑设计 1
1.1 工程概况 1
1.1.1 建筑概况 1
1.1.2 工程地质条件 1
1.1.3 施工技术条件 1
第二章 结构设计 2
2.1 设计资料 2
2.2 结构的选型与布置 3
2.2.1 结构选型 3
2.2.2 计算单元 3
2.2.3 构件截面尺寸初选 3
2.2.4 框架计算简图 6
2.3 荷载计算及其内力分析 8
2.3.1 荷载计算 8
2.3.2 荷载作用分布图 11
2.3.3 地震作用 17
2.3.4 风荷载 23
2.4 内力计算 25
2.4.1 恒载作用下的框架内力 25
2.4.2 活载作用下的框架内力 37
2.4.3 风荷载作用下内力计算 43
2.4.4 地震作用下横向框架的内力计算 51
2.5 内力组合 66
2.6 结构、构件验算 76
2.6.1 框架柱验算 76
2.6.2 框架横梁验算 87
2.6.3 强柱弱梁验算 88
2.7 节点设计 88
2.7.1 梁柱节点设计 88
2.7.2 柱柱连接设计 106
2.7.3 柱脚设计 109
2.8 组合楼盖设计 113
2.9 楼梯设计 117
2.10 基础设计 121
2.10.1 D柱基础设计 121
2.10.2 B柱基础设计 125
2.11 电算与手算对比 129
总 结 136
致 谢 138
参考文献 139