摘 要
【关键词】 高层建筑,框架
This paper presents a summary of the Green Park Scent of a Residential District 1# load floor, a frame structure design, including beams, columns and part of the surface. The building was proposed in a city, the floor seven storeys, with a total construction area of 4320.16 square meters. Total height of the building to 22.4 meters tall buildings belong. Determine the type of construction framework and structure analysis considering the wind loads, earthquake loads and gravity loads, In absolute floor rigid framework and shear walls also have a strong effect on restraining the assumption that Approximate hand with the methods of analysis of the structure of the framework of force and the level of load distribution of the framework, D values were used and the method of moment distribution method horizontal seismic and gravity loads the next component forces, and the framework of a load combination of internal forces and section design. The results of the analysis showed, as a fast and accurate means of analysis, PKPM also using structural analysis software on the structure of the full calculation, given the structure of the whole building construction drawings.
【Key Words】 : high-rise building, frameworks
(1) 设计题目为“韵绿公园住宅小区1#住宅楼设计”。
(2) 建筑面积:4320.16m2,共7层,层高均为3.0m。
(3) 室内外高差0.450m,室外地面标高为-0.450m。
(4) 外墙300mm厚轻质砌块,隔墙100mm厚轻质砌块,楼梯间墙为200mm厚轻质砌块。
1. 气象条件:雪荷载0.40KN/m2,基本风压:0.30KN/m2.
2. 工程地质条件:
根据地质勘探结果:第一层为杂填土,平均厚度为0.6-0.8m。第二层为素填土,平均厚度为0.5-0.7,承载力为80KN/m2。第三层为粉质粘土,承载力为200 KN/m2,厚度在2.5-3.0之间,第四层为粘土,承载力为400 KN/m2。地下水位在地表下1.8m,无侵蚀性。

目 录
第1章 建筑设计论述 1
1.1 设计依据 1
1.2设计内容 1
第2章 结构设计论述 3
第3章 结构计算 4
3.1 结构计算简图 4
3.2 截面尺寸选取 4
3.3 梁柱惯性距的确定 4
3.4 荷载计算 5
3.5 内力计算 9
第4章 水平地震作用下的框架内力分析 30
4.1 梁线度……………30
4.2 柱的线刚度 30
4.3 自振周期计算 31
第 5 章 内力计算 37
第 6 章 截面计算 52
第 7 章 PKPM计算结果 57
结束语 100
致 谢 101
参 考 文 献 102