摘 要
That manual building design principle and structure calculation of some real estate company residence building did elucidation as a result, and attach with the detailed calculation process.Constructing the part has to satisfy usage function, being advantageous to structure a safety, adapting building industrialization of request, have to notice beauty.
Designed to prepare three projects totally in the early years, passed project argument to sieve quite the cheese of a kind of project, its design was novel, the structure was reasonable, starting construction convenient is the project most chosen of advantage.The building design satisfied a following request: ⑴Meet the function request of the building ; ⑵Adopt the rational technological measure; ⑶Have good economic results; ⑷Consider that the building is required beautifully ; ⑸Accord with the overall planning request.Do to synthesize analysis to the flat surface function of building in the design, in order to attain the most reasonable space to combine, make it a contented request.Usage day the positive software draw building of even, sign, cross section, and contact organically the of this a few noodles.The structure calculation adopts handicraft calculation and structure machine-readable combine together, reckon lord, COBOL for assist.Carry on a handicraft calculation first, complete a lotus to carry calculation, plank, foundation and an article frame to go together with reinforcing steel bar ;Then is computed software by the huge mansion, complete the beam, building plank of the building plank, time, beam watch construction diagram.
【Key Words】The residence building, building, structure, design.

目 录
第一章 建筑设计 1
1.1. 设计要点 1
1.1.1. 建筑平面设计 1
1.1.2. 建筑立面设计 1
1.1.3. 建筑剖面设计 1
1.2. 方案设计 2
1.2.1. 建筑平面设计 2
1.2.2. 建筑立面设计 2
1.2.3. 建筑剖面设计 2
1.3. 建筑设计说明 3
1.3.1. 标注 3
1.3.2. 荷载 3
1.3.3. 放样 3
1.4. 建筑材料及做法 3
1.4.1. 墙体工程 3
1.4.2. 门窗 4
1.4.3. 楼地面做法 4
1.4.4. 散水做法 4
1.4.5. 挑出墙面的雨棚等构件 4
第二章 结构设计 5
2.1. 结构说明 5
2.2. 结构计算 5
2.2.1. 竖向荷载作用(恒载及活载) 5
2.2.2. 风荷载作用 5
2.2.3. 内力组合 6
2.2.4. 配筋计算 6
2.3. 基础设计 6
2.4. 现浇楼板设计 6
第三章 结构设计计算书 7
3.1. 框架结构设计概况 7
3.1.1. 建设项目名称 7
3.1.2. 建设地点 7
3.1.3. 设计资料 7
3.2. 框架结构设计计算 8
3.2.1. 结构布置方案及结构选型 8
3.2.2. 荷载标准值计算 12
3.3. 荷载作用下框架的内力分析 22
3.3.1. 恒荷载作用下框架的内力分析 22
3.3.3. 风荷载作用下框架的内力分析 31
3.4. 内力组合 40
3.4.1. 框架内力组合 40
3.5. 横向框架梁截面设计 46
3.5.1. 梁的正截面强度计算 47
3.5.2. 梁的斜截面强度计算 48
3.6. 框架柱设计 49
3.6.1. 剪跨比和轴压比计算 49
3.6.2. 柱正截面承载力验算 51
3.6.3. 框架柱斜截面受剪承载力验算 56
3.7. 楼板计算 58
3.7.1. 标准层楼板计算: 58
3.8. 基础设计: 62
3.8.1. 基础选型 62
3.8.2. A柱基础设计 62
3.8.3. B柱基础设计 64
3.8.4. C柱基础设计 67
结 束 语 71
参 考 文 献 72