来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK76110 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK76110
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摘 要:“科教兴国”是我国的一项基本国策,要想切实贯彻国家关于扩大高校招生规模的要求,除了解决师资队伍等问题外,必须加强后勤方面的投入力度,其中学生公寓的建设实属重中之重。本文以大学学生公寓的建设为研究背景,总结了新时期大学生公寓建设在高校基本建设中的主要问题所在,以学生公寓建设投资模式、建设施工管理模式两个方面为分析主线,对现行几种学生公寓建设模式在学生公寓建设中的适用性和解决问题能力上进行了研究。
关键词: 大学生公寓;建设模式;研究
Study on the Construction Mode of Modern College
Abstract: "To invigorate the country through science and education" is a basic policy of China. In order to effectively implement on the expansion of college and university admissions requirements, in addition to solving the problem of teaching staff, there is needed to strengthen the logistical input. The construction of college student apartments is the most important step. This paper bases on the construction of college student apartments, concluding the problems in the construction of modern college student apartments. In terms of the investment of student apartments and the management of construction, the author come out several practical ideas for building college student apartments, and analyses the applicability of each mode of college student apartments.
Key words: Student Apartments;The Mode of Construction;Study
