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摘 要:建筑业是国民经济的重要物质生产部门,它与整个国家经济的发展、人民生活的改善有着密切的关系。当今,我国正在进行历史上规模最大的基本建设。工程建设的巨大投资和劳动密集型的特点,使得建筑安全事故所造成的人员伤亡和财产损失较为严重,每年死亡约上千人,直接经济损失逾百亿,远高于西方发达国家。
Study on Formation Causation of Building Safety Accident and Preventive Measures
Abstract: The architecture industry is the important physical production department for the national economy .It has the close relationship with the development of the whole state economy and the improvement of living conditions. Nowadays, our coutry is undertaking the unprecedented largest scale of infrastructure which is characterised by enormous investments and labor-intensives, thus lead to the serious human injury and property damage caused by the accidents of construction.Thousands of labors die from building safety accidents annually , and the economic loss is over ten billion , which is much higher than the western developed countries.
This paper focuses on the present situation of the frequent safety accidents occuring during the construction. the author summmed up several mian factors contribute to construction safety accidents from the understanding of the development process of the accidents to analyzing the features of the causes of the accidents , which combined with the recent safety accidents cases in our country. they are human reasons, physical reasons, environmental causes and managements. According to the principles of accident prevention the author provide many efficient proposals and measures to prevent, reduce and contain the safety accident during the construction .
Key words: Building safety;The cause of incident;Preventive Measures

目 录 18000字
摘 要 1
关键词 1
1 前言 2
2 我国建筑安全生产及管理现状 3
2.1 我国建筑业的基本状况 3
2.2 我国建筑安全管理的基本状况 4
3 建筑安全事故成因分析 7
3.1 事故的发展过程 7
3.1.1 孕育阶段 7
3.1.2 发展阶段 7
3.1.3 发生阶段 7
3.2 建筑安全事故成因的特点 7
3.2.1 事故的因果性 7
3.2.2 事故的随机性 8
3.2.3 事故的潜伏性 8
3.2.4 事故的可预防性 8
3.3 事故成因分析 8
3.3.1 人的原因 10
3.3.2 物的原因 12
3.3.3 环境的原因 12
3.3.4 管理的原因 12
3.4 案例分析 14
3.4.1案例事故概况 14
3.4.2 确定研究对象 15
3.4.3 收集资料 15
3.4.4 初步原因分析 16
4 建筑安全事故防范措施研究 16
4.1 建筑安全事故防范措施的原则 17
4.1.1 防范安全事故发生的原则 17
4.1.2 选择安全事故预控技术的原则 17
4.2 建筑安全事故的防范措施 18
4.2.1 安全法制措施 18
4.2.2 工程技术措施 19
4.2.3 安全管理措施 21
4.2.4 安全教育措施 21
4.3 安全事故案例分析 22
4.3.1 案例1 22
4.3.2 案例2 24
5 结论 25
参考文献 25
致 谢 26