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摘 要:从逻辑关系、法律关系及现行合同角度分析讨论反索赔的概念,指出索赔与反索赔都具有双向性,定义反索赔是指业主根据合同赋予的权利,对于由非业主原因引起的损失要求弥补损失并由此获利的手段。业主反索赔的原因归纳为工程进度、工程质量、工程款项等因素。对承包商索赔程序及业主反索赔程序从时效性比较、逾期处理比较及索赔资料及索赔报告比较三个方面进行了对比分析,在此基础上对业主反索赔程序进行了规范。完善后的业主反索赔程序使得业主反索赔更加具有针对性,研究业主反索赔要从业主反索赔的原因,业主反索赔的程序,业主反索赔的特点下手。还论述了业主用反索赔对索赔来攻击承包商索赔的内容,为业主进行有效的反索赔管理打下理论基础。
Construction Problems and Strategies of Counter-claims
Abstract:From the logical relations, legal relations and point of view of the existing contract to discuss the concept of counter-claims, claims and counter claims that have two-way, the definition of counter-claim is the claim for the same event, against the other party claims the contract management practices, the reasons for the owners to claim summarized the progress, quality, project funds and other factors. Claims process for contractors and owners from the claims process more timely, more and claims handling overdue claims report compares data and comparative analysis of three aspects, in this based on the claims process has improved the owners.Improve procedures for making claims after the owners of the contractor against claims for more targeted research to prevent the owner from the contractor against claims for claims and counter claims for both property owners to proceed to refute the owners claim to refute the owners of the claims process, to refute claims of owners reason calculated to refute claims of owners or contractors with claims against the owners claim to attack the contents of the claim for the contractor to carry out effective counter-claims management foundation in theory.
Key words:Claims;Counter claim; Strategy

目 录 17000字
摘 要 1
关键词 1
1 前言 2
1.1 研究背景 2
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 研究内容意义 3
2 反索赔的概述 3
2.1 反索赔的定义 3
2.2 反索赔的特点及意义 3
2.2.1 反索赔的特点 3
2.2.2 业主方向承包商反索赔的意义 4
2.2.3 反索赔的内容 4
3 业主反索赔的原因 5
3.1 工程进度的延误 5
3.2 工程质量存在的缺陷 5
3.3 按合同要求承包商未能履行合同 6
3.4 承包商未完成工程 6
3.5 承包商完成工程不符合合同要求 6
3.6 其它原因 7
4 业主反索赔的程序及主要条款 8
4.1 业主反索赔程序 8
4.1.1 业主在规定期限内向承包商提出反索赔通知 8
4.1.2 业主在规定期限内向承包商提交反索赔报告 8
4.1.3 协商解决索赔问题 9
4.1.4 争端裁决委员会调解 9
4.1.5 仲裁或诉讼 9
4.2 合同条件中业主方的索赔主要条款 9
5 反索赔策略的研究 10
5.1加强对合同管理的对策 10
5.1.1 发挥职能部门的作用,维护自己利益 10
5.1.2明确规定程序和规范管理 11
5.1.3 管理应该突出重点,做好三大目标控制 11
5.1.4加强法律意识,完善管理制度 11
5.2 建立健全工程索赔管理机制 12
5.3强调索赔时间观念 12
6 案例分析 13
6.1 案例1 13
6.1.1 项目概况 13
6.1.2 案例分析 13
6.2 案例 2 14
6.2.1 项目概况 14
6.2.2 案例分析 14
6.3 案例3 16
6.3.1 案例描述 16
6.3.2 案例分析 17
7 结论 18
参考文献 19
致 谢 20 |