摘 要
Organizational arrangement for construction is the guiding document for the construction process of engineering projects. It provides reasonable construction schedule and method for the main working procedure. As a combination of construction technology and management, it is the guarantee that the construction activity can be conducted in an orderly, efficient, scientific and reasonable way.
The pile foundation of China has a history of thousands of years, and construction of pile foundation has experienced a rapid development of technology especially after entering the twenty-first century. Because of its unique characteristics, pile foundation has become an indispensable part in the building and construction industry.
In the paper, the construction organization design is mainly based on pile foundation project in the first section of the bridge connection line Yangxin to Daye period with pile numbers K13+163-K25+350. Based on the practical engineering situation, from the point of project managers, the planning and analysis of the bridge pile foundation in the scope of the contract section is carried out, and thus a number of assurance measures are put forward in terms of quality, safety and progress of the project. In this paper, the development of the pile foundation and the characteristics of the pile foundation are summarized. Finally, based on the engineering example of pile foundation construction organization design analysis, the problems existing in the construction organization design are investigated, and the optimization method and the improvement measures for the relevant problems are put forward.
Key Words:Bored pile;Pile foundation;Construction organization;Arrangement and method for construction;

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.1.1 研究的背景 1
1.1.2 研究的意义 1
1.1.3 目前存在的问题 2
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 国内外施工技术现状 3
第2章 桩基础综述 5
2.1 国内外桩基础发展现状 5
2.2 桩基础的特点 5
2.3 桩基础的施工方法 6
2.4 桩基础的构造 7
第3章 桩基础施工组织设计案例 8
3.1 施工组织设计综述 8
3.2 工程概况 9
3.3 编制说明 10
3.4 施工部署 11
3.4.1 施工管理目标 11
3.4.2 施工人员安排 12
3.4.3 主要施工机械及设置配制 13
3.4.4主要工程量及资源配备 14
3.5 施工计划 14
3.6 施工工艺 15
3.6.1 场地平整及放样 15
3.6.2 埋设护筒 16
3.6.3 钻机就位 16
3.6.4 冲击钻孔、泥浆循环 16
3.6.5 冲击钻成孔要点 17
3.6.6 成孔检查及清孔 18
3.6.7 钢筋笼加工、吊装 19
3.6.8 灌注混凝土 20
3.6.9 破桩头、成桩检验 22
3.6.10 成桩检验 23
3.7质量检验与质量标准 23
3.8 工程保证措施 24
3.9 安全保障措施及应急预案 28
3.10 环保施工及文明施工 32
第4章 结论与展望 35
参考文献 37
致 谢 39