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摘 要:为研究纳豆胶囊制备过程中纳豆激酶的变化规律,以优质东北大豆为原料,接种一定数量的纳豆杆菌,使之发酵成为纳豆。将其中一部分纳豆产品磨碎冷冻干燥制成冻干粉并制作成纳豆胶囊成品。采用福林法测定整个过程纳豆激酶的变化情况,探究不同生长因子对纳豆激酶数量的影响,并比较冻干粉和新鲜纳豆中纳豆激酶的数量。结果表明:在前发酵的0~16h培养过程中,纳豆激酶活性缓慢增加到约50U/g左右,后发酵的16~24h显著增加并达到峰值600U/g以上,而后慢慢降低,最后趋于稳定约330U/g,即经过后发酵过程纳豆激酶活性大大提高;冻干粉中纳豆激酶含量1138.94U/g远远高于新鲜纳豆330.50U/g;培养过程中加入不同的碳源和氮源后纳豆激酶活性分别增加了27.6%和41.0%。
Study of Nattokinase Activity in Natto Capsule Processing
Abstract:In order to probe into the regular pattern of nattokinase in natto capsules processing.Using high-quality northeast soybeans as raw materials, vaccinating a certain number of Bacillus natto,fermenting it to natto. Then making part of the natto products grind to freeze-dried powder and making it into natto capsules. Using Folin method to determine the change of nattokinase in entire process and exploring the different growth factors to the influence of nattokinase activities .Next, comparing the number of nattokinase between freeze-dried powder and fresh natto. The results show that: 0 ~ 16h’s former fermentation process, nattokinase activities increased slowly to 50U/g ,after the 16 ~ 24h’s latter fermentation, having significantly increased and reached a peak more than 600Ug and then slowly decreased, finally stabilized to 330U/g,that is to say: the process of latter fermentation could improve the nattokinase activity in great degree;Nattokinase activities in freeze-dried powder is 1138.94 U/g are higher than the fresh natto of 330.50 U/g; Nattokinase activities could increase 27.6%and 41.0% with carbon source and nitrogen source.
Key words:Natto;Nattokinase;Forint - phenolic method
