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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK76402 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK76402
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摘  要:异丙醇(iso-propanol)是一种重要且价值较高的有机化工原料,广泛应用于农药、医药、有机化工原料的生产。本研究利用络合萃取法去除废水中的异丙醇,以正辛醇和甲苯为主要有机溶剂,探讨了不同剂量比、盐效应和加硼酸的情况对异丙醇废水溶液萃取的影响。实验结果表明:剂量比增加,萃取率增大;盐效应比硼酸的加入更有利于异丙醇的萃取。

Studies on removing iso-propanol from waste water

Abstract: The iso-propanol is a kind of important organic chemical raw materials,and widely used in productions of pesticide, medicine, and organic chemical raw materials.In our research, taking the n-caprylic alcohol and toluene as the main organic solvent, the complexation extraction was used to remove the iso-propanol from waste water, and the different doses and the effect of salts and join boric acid to the effect of extraction was discussed .The results showed that with the organic solvent increasing,the extraction rate is increasing. In addition,the removal percentage of iso-propanol from wastewater by salt effect was higher than that by boric acid.
Key words: iso-propanol; complexation extraction; n-caprylic alcohol; toluene; effect of salts; boric acid.


目    录
摘  要:    1
关键词:    1
1 前言    2
2 实验部分    3
2.1 实验材料和仪器    3
2.1.1 试剂    3
2.1.2 仪器    3
2.2 基本原理    4
2.3 实验流程    4
2.4 操作要点    4
2.5 实验内容    4
2.5.1 正辛醇和甲苯的不同剂量比对萃取率的影响    4
2.5.2 盐效应对萃取率的影响    5
2.5.3 硼酸对萃取率的影响    5
2.5.4 不同盐同一浓度对萃取率的影响    5
2.6 COD测量方法及萃取率的计算    6
2.6.1 COD测量方法    6
2.6.2 萃取率的计算    7
3 实验结果与分析    7
3.1 不同剂量比的正辛醇和甲苯对萃取结果的影响    7
3.2 盐效应对萃取结果的影响    8
3.3 加硼酸对萃取结果的影响    9
3.4 不同盐同一浓度对萃取结果的影响    9
4 结论    10
参考文献    11
致    谢    12
