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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK710949 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK710949
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摘  要
按照不同的分类,夹具可分为多种类,本次设计主要介绍的是铣轴端槽夹具的设计,铣轴端槽夹具是机床夹具的一种,它主要包括定位支承元件、夹紧装置、连接定向元件、对刀元件或导向元件、其它装置或元件、夹具体 等六部分。


In recent years , with the wide application of CNC machine tools, machining center, flexible manufacturing cell, flexible manufacturing systems and other modern processing equipment, the manufacturing method of the traditional mechanical processing of a major change, the fixture function from the past have been clamping, positioning, guide tool, into the clamping, positioning.Device processing function digital expansion, puts forward higher requirements for the rapid positioning, in the future the quick clamping fixture.
According to different classification, the fixture can be divided into many types,this design is mainly introduced in the shaft end groove milling fixture design,shaft groove milling fixture is a kind of machine tool fixture, which mainly comprises a positioning support element, clamping device, connection oriented elements, tool components or guide element, other devices or components,the six part of the clamp.
This article introduces the design of fixture development history, domestic and overseas research development, research background, purposes and classification. In addition, the design also makes a detail introduction on the shaft end groove milling fixture components and working principle.
The structure, size of the design with the traditional design method of the milling shaft groove clamp the overall structure and the various parts of the design. In addition, using three-dimensional mapping software Pro/ENGINEER on the shaft end groove milling fixture parts for 3D drawing and assembly drawing and parts drawing and assembly drawing of Engineering drawing. In addition, also the CNC programming and machining of blower punch with UG.

KEY WORDS: fixture, part drawing, design, engineering drawing, NC programming


目   录
第一章 绪论    6
1.1夹具的发展史    6
1.1.1 国内机床夹具的发展历史    6
1.1.2 国外机床夹具发展历史    6
1.2 国内外机床夹具发展现状及研究动态    6
1.3 课题的研究意义    7
1.4 本次设计的简介    8
第二章 夹具的简介    9
2.1夹具的用途及分类    9
2.1.1 通用夹具    9
2.1.2 专用夹具    10
2.1.3 可调夹具    10
2.1.4 成组夹具    10
2.1.5 组合夹具    11
2.1.6 自动线夹具    11
2.2 夹具的组成    11
2.3 夹具的工作原理    12
2.4 本章小结    13
第三章 设计过程中所用软件的功能介绍    14
3.1 Pro/ENGINEER的功能介绍    14
3.1.1 Pro/ENGINEER软件的特点    14
3.1.2 Pro/ENGINEER4.0的主要功能介绍    15
3.2 UG软件的介绍    15
3.2.1 UG软件的功能和特点    16
3.3 AutoCAD的功能介绍    17
3.3.1 AutoCAD的主要特性    17
3.3.2 AutoCAD功能介绍    17
3.4 本章小结    18
第四章  吹风机凸模加工的数控编程    19
4.1 模具加工简介    19
4.2 吹风机凸模的加工工艺路线    19
4.3 吹风机凸模加工    19
4.4本章小结    34
第五章 铣轴端槽夹具设计的零件建模    35
5.1 夹具体建模    35
5.2 V型块建模    38
5.3 支撑套建模    39
5.4 手柄建模    40
5.5 垫圈建模    42
5.6本章小结    42
第六章 铣轴端槽夹具工程图的绘制    43
6.1单体零件工程图的绘制    43
6.2装配实体工程图的绘制    47
第七章 铣轴端槽夹具装配图的绘制    48
7.1 铣轴端槽夹具三维装配图的制作过程    48
7.2 本章小结    51
第八章 全文总结    52
参考文献    53
致 谢    54
毕业设计小结    55
附 录    56
