来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK718861 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK718861
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As one of the core components of the whole vehicle, the powertrain components directly affect the power and economy of the whole vehicle. The research on the electric vehicle powertrain can greatly improve the electric vehicle's mileage and other aspects compared with the traditional automobile, and promote the development of electric vehicles to solve the automobile pollution problem and slow down the energy crisis.
The contents of this paper are as follows: summarizing the current status of the research on the powertrain of the new energy vehicle; designing and checking the powertrain of the target vehicle; and carrying out the simulation verification of the vehicle according to the parameters of the matched design. The main idea is to design the corresponding components based on the parameters of the cruising range and dynamic parameters. The design content mainly includes the parameter matching design of the motor and battery, the design of the drive train and the design check of the shaft. The simulations were mainly carried out for the dynamic simulation of 0-100 km/h and the simulation of the constant speed conditions and NEDC operating range.
Key words: electric vehicle, power assembly, parameter design and simulation
项目 电动机最大功率 电动机最大扭矩 最高车速/km/h 长×宽×高/mm 整备质量 座位数 轮胎规格 轴距/mm
参数 29kW 110N.m 100 2497×1526×1616 830kg 2 145/70 R12 1600

第 1 章绪论 1
1.1 研究目的和意义 1
1.2纯电动汽车动力总成研究现状 1
1.3本次设计任务车型参数 2
第 2 章动力系统参数匹配 3
2.1 传动系统选择 3
2.2 整车动力系统参数匹配选型 4
2.2.1电机参数匹配选型 4
2.2.2动力电池参数匹配设计 7
2.2.3传动系参数设计 9
2.2.4差速器参数设计 14
第 3 章轴的设计与校核 18
3.1 轴设计 18
3.1.1 输入轴的设计 18
3.1.2 输出轴的设计 19
3.2 轴的强度校核 20
3.2.1 输入轴的强度校核 21
3.2.2 输出轴的强度校核 22
第 4 章纯电动汽车仿真建模 23
4.1 纯电动汽车动力性仿真 23
4.2 纯电动汽车的经济性仿真 24
第 5 章总结 26
参考文献 27