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In this paper, which is based on the traditional design method of driving axle, the design of driving axle assembly is carried outreferring to Chuanqi GS8 model data. The design scheme of the driving axle has a great influence on the performance of the vehicle. A suitable driving axle can make the engine torque transmit to the driving wheelsmoothly, and distribute the load produced by the body and road reasonably. The design refers to the experience formula of driving axle design in traditional design and the relevant parameters adopted by the same type of vehicle, and designs the reference type adapted driving axle combined with the relevant parameters. The main reducer, differential and half axle are calculated and checked in the design of driving axle. The parts are drawn by CATIA three-dimensional modeling and CAD drawing software.
The designed driving axle basically meets the requirements in the design of the driving axle, and the relevant parameters of each component are obtained in the calculation, and the material selection and heat treatment process of the components are determined.
Key Words:drive axle;main reducer;differential;half axle
表1.1 GS8 2017款320T四驱至尊版车型参数
项目 参数
长宽高(mm) 4810*1910*1770
前轮距(mm) 1630
轴距(mm) 2800
驱动方式 前置四驱
最大允许总质量(kg) 2515
最小离地间隙(mm) 200
前、后轮胎规格 245/55 R19
后轮距(mm) 1632
最高车速(km/h) 185
最大功率(kw) 148
最大功率转速(rpm) 5200
发动机最大扭矩(N•m) 320

第一章绪论 1
1.1研究目的及意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3设计主要内容 3
1.4设计目标 3
第二章驱动桥结构布置 4
2.1参考车型数据 4
2.2驱动桥选型 4
第三章主减速器设计 6
3.1主减速器结构形式 6
3.1.1主减速器齿轮的类型 6
3.1.2主减速器主动锥齿轮的支承型式及安装方式的选择 7
3.1.3从动锥齿轮布置形式 8
3.1.4主减速器的减速型式 8
3.2主减速器的基本参数选择与设计计算 9
3.2.1主减速比的确定 9
3.2.2主减速器齿轮计算载荷的确定 9
3.2.3主减速器齿轮基本参数的选择 11
3.3主减速器齿轮强度计算 13
3.4主减速器轴承的计算 17
3.5锥齿轮材料及热处理 20
第四章差速器设计 22
4.1差速器齿轮基本参数选择 22
4.2差速器齿轮的几何计算 24
4.3差速器齿轮的强度计算 25
4.4差速器齿轮的材料选择 26
第五章驱动车轮传动装置的设计 27
5.1半轴的型式 27
5.2半轴的设计计算 28
5.2.1全浮式半轴计算载荷的确定 29
5.2.2半轴杆部直径的初选 29
5.2.3半轴的强度计算 30
5.3半轴的材料及热处理 30
第六章驱动桥壳的设计 31
6.1驱动桥壳的结构 31
6.2驱动桥壳材料 32
结论 33
参考文献 34
致谢 35