新时代,我国经济发展迅速,人民对美好生活的需求日益增长,对城市环境的要求越来越高。电动扫路车是城市环境美化的重要工具,具有低速稳定性好、能量转换率高、操作方便、环境友好等特点,是路面清洁、美化环境的首选。本文设计的是电动扫路车清扫吸盘的主动避撞系统,当扫路车工作路段前方有障碍物时,可通过机器视觉进行目标检测并获取其深度信息,结合扫路车车速计算出碰撞时间,清扫吸盘液压执行机构根据计算出的碰撞时间大小控制吸盘的伸出和收缩,实现主动避撞。实验结果表明,Faster R-CNN能够准确快速地进行目标检测,双目测距法可以有效的测量出目标的深度信息,扫路车清扫洗盘可达到实时检测、主动避撞的要求。
In the new era, China's economy has been developing rapidly. People's needs for a better life have been growing and the demands on the urban environment have become increasingly high. Electric sweeping vehicle is an important tool to beautify the city environment with the characteristics of low speed stability, high energy conversion rate, easy operation and environment friendly, which is the first choice for cleaning the road surface and beautifying the environment. In this paper, the active collision avoidance system is designed for the cleaning suckers of electric sweeping vehicle. When there is an obstacle in the road ahead of the road sweeper, we can detect the target and obtain the depth information by machine vision. Combined with the speed of the sweep vehicle, the collision time can be calculated. The hydraulic actuator of the cleaning suckers can control the protrusion and contraction of the suckers according to the calculated collision time and realizes active collision avoidance. The experiment result shows that Faster R-CNN can detect the targets accurately and rapidly, binocular distance measurement method can effectively measure the targets depth information, the cleaning suckers of electric sweeping vehicle can meet the requirements of real-time detection and active collision avoidance.
Key words: electric sweeping vehicle, target detection, binocular distance measurement, hydraulic actuator, active collision avoidance
如图1.1所示,本研究的基本原理是首先通过CCD摄像机采集前方道路的图像,然后利用机器学习和深度学习等技术获取对图像进行目标检测并获取其深度信息。根据深度信息D和已知的汽车车速V(5~20km)估计碰撞时间TTC ,TTC=D/V,将TTC与决策阈值T_0进行比较。阈值的大小定为从发出避撞信号到吸盘完成收缩这个过程所需的时间,可通过拟定初始值a,再进行逐步测试确定。若TTC<T_0,执行决策模块,吸盘收缩,实现避撞;若TTC>T_0,则吸盘伸出继续工作,并转到下一图像序列重复上述判别流程。

第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2国内外现状 1
1.3研究意义 2
1.4本文的主要研究内容 2
第2章 Faster R-CNN目标检测框架 4
2.1深度学习和卷积神经网络 4
2.2 R-CNN系列目标检测框架的演进 4
2.2.1 R-CNN目标检测框架 4
2.2.2 SPP-Net目标检测框架 5
2.2.3 Fast R-CNN目标检测框架 6
2.3 Faster R-CNN原理概述 7
2.3.1区域建议网络RPN 7
2.3.2 Faster R-CNN目标检测框架 8
2.3.3非极大值抑制NMS 9
2.4 Faster R-CNN实验结果分析 9
第3章 基于OpenCV与Matlab的双目测距 10
3.1双目测距原理与流程 10
3.1.1双目测距原理 10
3.1.2 双目测距原理 10
3.2双目相机的标定与立体校正 11
3.3立体匹配 12
3.4 双目测距实验结果分析 12
第4章 扫路车吸盘液压执行机构设计、计算 14
4.1液压缸种类的选取 14
4.2液压缸的结构选取 14
4.2.1缸体组件 15
4.2.2活塞组件 16
4.2.3密封装置 17
4.2.4排气装置 17
4.3主液压缸的设计与计算 18
4.3.1缸筒的设计与校核 18
4.3.2活塞组件的设计与校核 19
4.4副液压缸的设计与计算 21
第5章 总结与展望 23
5.1总结 23
5.2展望 23
致谢 25
参考文献 26