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关键词: 麦弗逊悬架; 定位参数; 免疫算法; 仿真; 优化;悬架系统的K&C特性
As the role of the car in daily life becomes more and more important, the performance of the car has attracted much attention. The research of the suspension system is an important content for the design and development of the vehicle chassis. The performance of the car is affected by its performance. The research purpose of this topic is to design a vehicle suspension with both stability and comfort by optimizing the structure of the vehicle suspension.
In order to optimize the kinematics of the front suspension of a car, a MacPherson suspension was studied to study the optimization of structural parameters of the MacPherson suspension so as to reduce the wear of the tire and improve the stability of the vehicle operation. Based on the principle of wheel parallel runout and the change law of the front wheel positioning parameters, a McPherson suspension dynamics model was established using ADAMS software to define the structural parameters. The ISIGHT immune algorithm was used to optimize the structural parameters of the MacPherson suspension and make the positioning The parameters reach the ideal range.
Comparing the images before and after optimization, the results show that optimizing the front suspension's front wheel positioning parameters and its range of variation can effectively improve suspension performance, reduce tire wear, and improve vehicle stability.
Keyword:McPherson suspension; positioning parameters; immune algorithm; simulation; optimization; K&C characteristics of suspension system

第1章 绪论 1
1.1. 研究背景 1
1.2. 研究对象 2
1.3. 悬架发展史 3
1.4. 国内外研究现状 4
1.5. 本文概述 4
第2章 悬架系统设计 6
2.1. 悬架系统作用 6
2.2. 操作稳定性定义和影响因素 6
2.3. 悬架K&C 6
2.3.1. 悬架K&C定义 6
2.3.2. K&C特性功能 6
2.4. 本章小结 7
第3章 使用软件简介 8
3.1. ADAMS简介 8
3.1.1. ADAMS背景 8
3.1.2. ADAMS功能 8
3.2. ISIGHT简介 8
3.2.1. ISIGHT背景 8
3.2.2. ISIGHT功能 9
3.3. 本章小结 9
第4章 麦弗逊悬架模型建立 10
4.1. 前麦弗逊悬架结构分析 10
4.1.1. 创建下摆臂 11
4.1.2. 创建转向节和转向横拉杆 13
4.1.3. 创建轮毂 14
4.1.4. 创建滑柱 14
4.1.5. 创建副车架 15
4.1.6. 创建部件间的连接 15
4.1.7. 创建衬套 16
4.1.8. 创建悬架参数 16
4.1.9. 创建悬架通讯器 16
4.1.10. 创建悬架子系统 17
第5章 结构参数参数优化 19
5.1. 悬架定位参数定义和影响因素 19
5.2. 设置优化目标 20
5.3. Insight试验 20
5.3.1 中心复合试验设计 20
5.3.2 试验方案的运行 21
5.3.3近似模型的建立 23
5.3.4 拟合情况 23
5.4. ISIGHT优化 24
5.4.1. 多目标优化算法 24
5.4.2 基于 ISIGHT 软件的优化 25
5.4.3 选择相应的硬点坐标和目标参数的数值 26
5.5. 优化前后图像对比 26
第6章 结束语 29
6.1. 结论 29
6.2. 展望 29
参考文献 30
致谢 31