摘 要:介绍了工业污水处理自动控制系统设计的基本原理及思想,叙述了工业污水处理系统中的自动控制过程及系统实施的实现方法,并对应用可编程控制器实现污水处理各个过程的控制及控制系统的组成做了详细的描述。此外,可编程序控制器具有可靠性高、编程简单、抗干扰强等一系列优点,所以广泛应用于工业控制领域,而由于PC机具有较好的人机界面和控制决策能力,让PLC与PC机之间通过总线RS422/485通信,使得PLC在人机交互性能方面的功能大大加强。这次的工业污水处理自动控制系统设计达到了当今现代自动化所追求的标准化、科技化、人性化三项要求,使得该系统具有很强的可靠性、维护性和智能性。
Based on PLC In Sewage Treatment Control System of Design
Abstract: We introduce the basic principle of the automatic control system for industrial wastewater treatment, the realization method of application of the industrial wastewater treatment system of automatic control process and system implementation, and each process of programmable controller realize sewage treatment and composed of the control system are described in detail. In addition, programmable controller has a series of advantages,such as high reliability, simple programming, anti-jamming,so widely used in industrial control field, and because PC machine has good human-machine interface and control decision-making ability, let PLC and PC by RS422/485 for communication, make PLC in human-computer interaction performance of functions greatly strengthened. The industrial wastewater treatment automatic control system design to today's modern automation pursuit of three requirements of standardization, technology, humanized ,make the system have strong reliability, maintainability and intelligent.
Keywords: industrial wastewater treatment; PLC; control system; communication

(1) 流量控制
1) 当流量计监测到水的流量过慢时,其过慢触电接通,进水阀门开大,使水的流速加快。
2) 当流量计监测到水的流速过快时,其过速触点接通,进水阀门关小,使水的流速减慢。
3) 当流量计监测到水的流速适中时,其适中触点接通,进水阀门不动作。
(2) 中和处理
1) 若为强酸时,PH值量计强酸触点接通,报警器发出警报,加碱阀门打开。
2) 若为强碱时,PH值量计强酸触点接通,报警器发出警报,加碱阀门打开。
3) 若酸碱适中时,PH值触点接通,加碱阀和加酸阀门关闭,报警器不报警。
(3) 温度处理
1) 若水温过高,温度计触点接通,加水阀门打开。
2) 若水温适中,温度计触点接通,加水阀门关闭。
(4) 水位控制
1) 若处理池水位过高时,水位控制器触点接通,排水阀门开大。
2) 若处理池水位过高时,水位控制器触点接通,排水阀门开大。
3) 若处理池水位适中时,水位控制器触点接通,排水阀门开大。
5.2 系统工艺流程