摘 要
It is know to all,Water is the survival and development of mankind's most valuable natural resources, while with the economic development and the population explosion .And the cities size expanding .The use of water in the city is increased and the wastewater constantly increased too, city is water supply and the demand become more prominent, Water has become the largest development constraints to the city。Nowadays water resources are becoming more and more precious. So sewage disposal and recycling become the worldwide major issues. From my serve most of the sewage disposal techniques is the use of flocculating agent and coagulation-supporting agent is an auxiliary measure that is absolutely necessary. therefore the use of the equipment for dissolving and feeding such agent in the process of sewage disposal is quite common in the worldwide.
From my serve the usual sewage disposal techniques, mostly their agent-feeding devices are controlled by people . With such controlling method there exist lot of promble.for example the inaccuracy of the quantity of the agent, lack of timely response etc. Those problems directly affect the quality of sewage disposal. Moreover, as the price of macromolecule flocculating agent is extremely high, the financial losses caused by the inaccuracy of the quantity of the agent to be added are highly considerable.
From the practical problem which is operation in sewage disposal, so I hope to provides a completely automatic agent-feeding system. In the article i through the mixing axle and the oar-shaped vane are apt to vibrate and sway during the mixing process. to work out this problem, the finity block was used to determine the critical speed of the mixing axle, and the strength of the oar-shaped vane was examined. By analysis the design specifications of the other equipment of the whole system .
The main advanced points of this system:
1) By equipped with level indicators. We can easy to know the liquid level in the tanks. Also when the operation is completely automatic, the density of the agent is constant.
2)The design of the storage tank's volume is reasonable. It can meet both the requirement for the dissolution tank to let off the agent every two hours, and the flow requirement for the measuring pump to feed the flocculating device continuously.
3) with the help of the mixing in the mixing machine, a unique technique of agent soakage is achieved. The PAM can achive a high drgree. Also it can make the uneven dissolution of the flocculating agent is avoided. By use the heating depository can prevent the dry flocculating agent from agglomeration due to damp.
4) The rotate speed of the spiral feeder is fitable. To make sure, the quantity of the agent can be adjusted according to the worksite conditions, the effective density of the agent is ensured;
5)The controlling system can continuous work, safe and reliable also it is stable.
Key Words:sewage disposal completely automatic agent-feeding; finity block mixing; Automatic system.
第二为了确保药液的充分的均匀本人使搅拌机的运行时间设为2 , 2 后搅拌机将停止搅拌,并从溶药罐内向外排放药液。

目 录 32000字
第1章 关于污水处理的综述.....................﹙1﹚
第1.1节 本课题研究的意义............................﹙1﹚
第1.2节 污水处理的一般工艺流程......................﹙4﹚
第1.3节 污水处理过程中使用的加药系统的国内外现状.....﹙5﹚
第1.4节 本课题的主要研究的目的和内容................﹙8﹚
第2章 全自动加药系统的工艺及控制要求.......﹙11﹚
第2.1节 污水中污泥的产生原因.......................﹙11﹚
第2.2节 污水中污泥的处理...........................﹙13﹚
第2.3节 污水处理中关于絮凝剂的使用.................﹙14﹚
第2.4节 全自动加药系统的工艺流程...................﹙16﹚
第2.5节 控制要求...................................﹙17﹚
第3章 污水处理的全自动加药系统的主要设备的设计 ….﹙19﹚
第3.1节 絮凝剂浸润系统的总体构成...................﹙19﹚
第3.2节 搅拌轴设计..................................﹙21)
第3.2.1节 强度计算..................................﹙21)
第3.2.2节 搅拌轴刚度校核............................﹙23)
第3.2.3节 临界转速校核..............................﹙24)
第3.3节 搅拌器的设计................................﹙25)
第3.3.1节 特性与结构................................﹙25)
第3.3.2节 确定搅拌器功率N...........................﹙26)
第3.3.3节 强度计算..................................﹙27)
第3.4节 电动机功率..................................﹙29)
第3.5节 搅拌罐的设计................................﹙30)
第3.6节 搅拌附件的设计..............................﹙32)
第3.7节 计量加药装置的设计..........................﹙32)
第3.7.1节 计量加药装置的结构设计....................﹙32)
第3.7.2节 螺旋设计..................................﹙33)
第3.8节 加热料仓设计................................﹙38)
第3.9节 给水加料系统................................﹙40)
第4章 自动化控制系统的设计………………………﹙42)
第4.1节 工作过程....................................﹙42)
第4.2节 设计方案....................................﹙46)
第4.2.1节 系统硬件设计..............................﹙46)
第4.2.2 系统PLC的选择...............................﹙46﹚
第4.3节 主电路电器组件的选择........................﹙47)
第4.4节 操作面板的布置..............................﹙48)
第4.5节 系统软件设计................................﹙49)
第4.5.1节 PLC的1/O分配表..........................﹙49)
第4.5.2节 电气控制设计..............................﹙50)
第5 章 总结与展望……………………………….….﹙56)
第5.1节 设备部分....................................﹙56)
第5.2节 控制系统....................................﹙58)
致谢…………………………………………………… ﹙76﹚