摘 要
本文在介绍了循环冷却水加碱基本结构中的基础上,分析了自动加碱的工作原理,使用S7-200 PLC 进行编程实现控制要求,能够根据循环水的pH值进行PID自动调整加碱量,分为本地和集中两种方式完成加碱操作,其中研究了加碱系统中的软、硬件设计,并提出了基于PLC中的自动加碱的设计方案并用WINCC flexible组态监控软件模拟仿真,最后对本论文中的研究进行了总结与展望。
关键词:自动加碱 PLC 控制方案 WINCC flexible仿真 通信
Design and implementation of cooling water circulating PLC200 acid plant based on automatic
4.0 In the industrial era, the rapid development of industrial automation. In the various production process, the need to use recycled water equipment to ensure the normal operation of production equipment and cooling. But in this process will bring to metal corrosion and sediment adhesion problems, which will greatly shorten the life of production equipment. Therefore, strengthening the industrial circulating water treatment is crucial. Key industrial cooling water treatment process in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate drug dosing, in order to ensure good water quality. Dosing dose traditional manual dosing can not be with the circulating cooling water system, changes in water quality as well as process parameters change, the operator's experience plays a decisive role in the dosing process, but this is uncertain . Automatic dosing system to eliminate the influence of human factors on the circulating water treatment, increased automation, and reliable, and reduce labor costs.
This paper describes the basic alkali circulating cooling water structures, based on analysis of the auto-alkali works, use s7-200 PLC programming to achieve control requirements PID can be automatically adjusted according to the pH of the circulating water amount of alkali , divided into local and centralized in two ways alkali operations, which studied alkali system software and hardware design, and made a PLC-based automatic alkali design and configuration monitoring using WINCC flexible software simulation, Finally, this paper summarizes the research and prospect.
Keywords: Automatic base; PLC; control plan; WINCC flexible simulation; communication

摘 要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 循环冷却水简介 1
1.2 研究背景及意义 1
1.2.1 研究背景 1
1.2.2 研究意义 2
1.3 我国循环冷却水处理发展现状与问题 3
第二章 自动加碱控制系统硬件设计 4
2.1 结构与工作原理 4
2.2 硬件电路图设计 5
2.2.1 加碱泵硬件电路图 5
2.2.2 PLC和EM231模块硬件电路图 6
2.3 工艺过程对系统的技术要求 8
2.4 pH值、电导率参数测量装置 9
2.4.1 pH值测量仪和电导率测量仪的介绍 9
2.5 关键水质参数对结垢腐蚀的影响 10
2.6 本章小结 11
第三章 循环冷却水加碱PLC控制设计 12
3.1 可编程逻辑控制器简介 12
3.1.1 PLC基本结构和整体式PLC特点 12
3.1.2 PLC工作原理和主要特点 13
3.2 SIMATIC S7-200 技术指标和STEP 7-Micro/WIN V4.0介绍 14
3.3 自动加碱系统软件设计 15
3.3.1 系统控制图 15
3.3.2 系统控制要求 及I/O 口分配 15
3.3.3 参数设置 17
3.4 主要功能模块设计 17
3.4.1 PID算法基础 17
3.4.2 pH值PID控制设计 19
3.4.3 回差控制功能 20
3.4.4 数据采集与量程转换 20
3.5 本章小结 20
第四章 WINCC flexible组态与系统仿真 22
4.1 WINCC flexible组态软件介绍 22
4.2 用户界面功能 22
4.3 S7-200 PLC与WINCC flexible 的通讯连接 23
4.4 触摸屏组态设计 26
4.4本章小结 30
第五章 总结与展望 31
5.1 总结 31
5.2 展望 32
参考文献 33
致 谢 35
附录 相关程序 36