摘 要
关键词: 真空过滤机控制系统、信号采集、转速调节、PLC、硬件电路、软件设定
In the PTA production process, vacuum filters play an important role in this thesis PTA vacuum filter applied to study the conditions and analysis of the vacuum filter control system was designed, and according to the relevant national standards, signal acquisition system , disc speed control, vacuum filter control methods and other content for a reasonable solution. Also taking into account the design of the control system reliability, economy and other factors.
The main contents include: 1. Vacuum filter control system purpose, meaning, design tasks and design basis; 2. Vacuum filter control system overall program design; 3. Vacuum filter control system hardware circuit design; 4. vacuum filter control system software part of the design. Among them, the vacuum filter to achieve automatic control process is the focus of this design, with regard to the electrical control to do a simple design of electrical equipment selection, draw a vacuum filtration system PLC control circuit, the PLC control software has been programmed with two secondary development.
Keywords: vacuum filter control systems, signal acquisition, speed control, PLC, hardware circuits, software settings

目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1.本课题的来源和背景 1
1.2.设计的目的与意义 2
1.3.PTA真空干燥系统的工作原理 3
第二章 真空过滤机系统总体方案设计 6
2.1真空过滤机控制系统组成 6
2.1.1真空过滤机基本组成原件及工作原理 6
2.1.2圆盘真空过滤机控制系统框图。 8
2.2信号采集 8
2.2.1模拟量采集 9
2.2.2传感器选择的注意事项: 10
2.3 真空过滤机系统中间处理单元 10
2.3.1 可编程控制器概述 10
2.3.2 可编程控制器定义 11
2.3.3 可编程控制器特点 11
2.3.4 西门子S7—300型PLC 12
2.3.5 S7-300输入/输出模块 14
2.4 圆盘转速调节 16
2.4.1 三相异步电动机调速方式概况 16
2.4.2 圆盘调速方式确定 19
第三章 真空过滤机控制系统硬件电路部分设计 20
3.1信号采集与输出部分 20
3.1.1 传感器选择 20
3.1.2 数字量(开关量)的确定 24
3.2 电气设计部分 25
3.2.1三项异步电动机改变及对数的方法: 25
3.2.2三相异步电动机启动方式 25
3.3 PLC接线图 26
第四章 真空过滤机控制系统软件部分设计 29
4.1 PLC程序设计语言 29
4.2 S7-300指令系统 30
4.2.1指令及其结构 30
4.2.2位逻辑指令。 30
4.2.3定时器与计数器指令 33
4.2.4梯形图方块传送指令: 33
4.2.5比较指令 34
4.2.6数据转换指令 34
4.2.7实数算术指令 35
第五章 结论 36
参考文献 37
致 谢 39