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Design on Unwinding Machine Control System by PLC
Abstract:This article summarizes the research status and prospects of the unwinding machine at inland and abroad.For the design problems in the control system of the unwinding machine, we try to solve it according to the working principle of the automatic control systemand the connection with actual production. And the PLC control method was adopted to control the system. The article analyzes in detail the functions of the control system and its workflow. In the CX-P programming software, the ladder diagram was programmed and simulated, and it was constantly improved and improved. Finally, it has achieved the effect of automated control such as automatic film removal, film tearing and material discharge.
Key words:the control system of unwinding machine;PLC of Omron;CX-Programmer

1. 引言 1
1.1课题的研究背景及意义 1
1.2 PLC在揭膜机中的应用及其发展前景 1
1.3揭膜机概述 2
2. 国内外现状 3
2.1 国内现状 3
2.2 国外现状 3
2.3存在的问题及解决思路 3
3. 揭膜机PLC控制系统的功能 4
3.1 监视与测量功能 4
3.2 保护功能 4
3.3自动控制功能 4
4.揭膜机PLC控制系统硬件设计 4
4.1控制要求 4
4.2主要的硬件选择 5
4.2.1PLC的选择 5
4.2.2变频器的选择 6
5揭膜机控制系统软件设计 7
5.1PLC的编程语言 7
5.2 CX-ONE简述 7
5.3程序设计常用方法 7
5.4 梯形图程序设计 8
5.4.1揭膜机揭膜过程程序梯形图 8
5.4.2PLC控制伺服电机的控制程序设计 14
5.5程序仿真 17
6结果及评论 19
总结 23
参考文献 24
致谢 25
附录 26