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Design of elevator control system based on PLC
Abstract: Programmable logic controller (PLC) is the main control system of elevator operation now. It has remarkable advantages in the accuracy of elevator control and the stability of elevator maintenance. In this paper, based on the existing framework of knowledge system, a large number of Chinese and foreign literature related to PLC are carefully studied, and the design scheme of PLC elevator master control system is put forward. The whole scheme including hardware and software for the two modules, the interface circuit layout, which involves all aspects of hardware related to the allocation of resources; the software mainly includes the main system and subsystem in process design and programming etc.. Then, aiming at the main control system debugging and optimization, based on in-depth analysis of the various potential problems on the obtained satisfactory results, system performance indicators are good.
Key words: Elevator; PLC; Control System

目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 电梯控制技术的发展及方向 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 选题的目的与意义 2
2 电梯控制系统的总体设计 3
2.1 设计方案比较 3
2.2 PLC控制概述 3
2.3 电梯控制系统的方案确定 4
2.4 电梯的总体设计思路 5
3 电梯驱动控制系统设计 6
3.1 电梯硬件驱动构成 6
3.2 交流感应电动机的转速调节 6
3.3 交流调节电梯速度简介 7
3.4 交流双速电梯驱动系统简介 7
3.5 四层电梯电路设计 8
4 系统软件设计 11
4.1 I/O点数的估算 11
4.2 I/O点分配简介 11
4.3 四层电梯梯形图 12
5 组态软件仿真与调试 15
5.1 选层定向及反向演示 15
5.2 系统调试 15
总结 18
参考文献 18
附录 19
致谢 25