Design of industrial sewage treatment control system based on PLC
Abstract:According to the sewage treatment process requirements and processes, combined with the SBR sewage treatment method, designed a set of control program based on SIEMENS S7-300 series PLC. At the same time, the hardware structure and combination method, work flow and the principle and steps of designing PLC control system are explained. The application of this system can improve the quality of sewage treatment, reduce energy consumption, and improve economic efficiency. Through the simulation software provided by STEP7 to debug, the state acquisition and automatic control function of SIEMENS PLC to field equipment is detected, and it meets the requirements of the control program.
Key words: Sewage disposal, PLC, process flow, SBR method

目 录
1 绪论 - 1 -
2 国内外现状 - 1 -
2.1国内现状 - 1 -
2.2国外现状 - 2 -
2.3所存在的问题 - 2 -
3 本文目标及实施思路 - 3 -
3.1系统设计目标与相应功能 - 3 -
3.2处理工艺的选择及其控制要求 - 3 -
3.2.1SBR污水处理工艺 - 3 -
3.2.2该工艺对控制系统(PLC)要求 - 4 -
3.3PLC的选型及介绍 - 4 -
3.3.1可编程控制器(PLC)的选择 - 4 -
3.3.2S7-300 系列主要组成模块 - 4 -
3.3.3本系统中所使用的信号模块 - 6 -
3.3.4STEP7软件的介绍 - 6 -
3.4传感器的选择 - 6 -
3.4.1浮球式传感器(水位开关) - 6 -
3.4.2pH酸碱度传感器 - 7 -
4 污水处理系统软硬件分析设计 - 7 -
4.1系统中设备运行流程 - 7 -
4.2系统所需硬件及其电路图 - 8 -
4.3PLC硬件组态的搭建及设备的I/O表。 - 9 -
4.4PLC程序设计 - 12 -
5 结果及评论 - 15 -
5.1本系统所实现的主要功能 - 15 -
5.2主要功能的调试与仿真 - 16 -
5.3主要结果的评论 - 19 -
6设计总结 - 19 -
参考文献 - 19 -
致谢 - 21 -