关键词:VVVF调速 集选PLC 主拖动 速度曲线
With the rapid development of science and technology, the status of elevator products in people's material and cultural life will become more and more important, the elevator drive technology has been developed to the Frequency modulation and voltage regulation.Taking into account the high performance requirements of the medical elevator, this design uses VVVF drive, Set selection elevator electrical control system, and use PLC to control.
First of all this design introduces the development of the elevator and the elevator drive system and control methods, and then in-depth analysis of the VVVF drive speed control principle, set selection PLC control elevator electrical control system working principle.Through the reasonable selection of the Frequency converter and the motor, main circuit link on the main drive circuit, design of PLC ladder diagram, and analysis of speed curve and traction calculation , so that the elevator has a high stability, rapidity and reliability.this design Basically meets the needs of the medical elevator. Finally, the design of a comprehensive summary and outlook.
Key words: VVVF; PLC; elevator main drag; speed curve

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1电梯发展概述 1
1.1.1电梯的发展简史 1
1.1.2电梯未来的发展展望 2
1.2电梯的分类 4
1.2.1按电梯的用途分 4
1.2.2按拖形式分类 4
1.2.3医用电梯概述 4
第二章 变频调速电梯拖动系统工作原理 6
2.1电梯基本结构 6
2.2电梯的电气拖动系统 7
2.2.1电气拖动系统概述 7
2.2.2运动学基础在电梯中的应用 8
2.3 VVVF变频调速原理 9
2.3.1 VVVF电机拖动原理 10
2.3.2 PWM脉冲宽度调制原理 11
2.4电梯的速度曲线 13
2.4.1乘坐舒适性 13
2.4.2抛物线直线速度曲线 13
第三章 医用电梯的电气拖动系统设计 16
3.1变频器的选择与设计 16
3.1.1变频器的分类 16
3.1.2变频器的设计 19
3.1.3变频器选择与使用 21
3.2电动机的选择 24
3.3医用电梯变频调速控制系统设计 26
3.3.1系统整体设计 26
3.3.2主电路设计 27
3.3.3整流电路 28
3.3.4预充电电路 29
3.3.5逆变电路 29
3.3.6其他电路 31
第四章 医用电梯的PLC控制系统设计 33
4.1 PLC应用概述 33
4.2 医用VVVF电梯PLC控制系统设计 34
4.2.1I/O端口配置 34
4.2.2 PLC硬件接口电路设计 35
4.2.3 梯形图程序设计 37
第五章 总结与展望 38
致 谢 39
参考文献 40
附录 PLC软件梯形图 41