关键词:电梯 变频器 PLC控制 变频调速
Alternating Current Elevator of PLC Control System Design
With the rapid economic development, high-rise buildings is increasingly the more. As the elevator vertical transportation becomes more and more important. With the improving requirement of the people, the lift has got the fast development, the dragging technology has developed to the variable frequency speed regulation, the logic control by the PLC to replace the original relay control. This design mainly is the nine layer of passenger elevator traction machine drive structure and control system design. In tractor driving major to do traction machine selection and a turbine worm reducer design and mechanical safety protection brief.
While in the aspect of the control system with PLC and frequency converter to realize the elevator control foundation, through to the inverter and PLC chip selection and design, use of Yaskawa inverter can be compiled VS616G5velocity curve for elevator characteristics improvement in the comfort, provide technical support. And the use of rotary encoder pulse signal emitted by a position feedback, the realization of elevator's precise displacement control. PLC program designed to achieve through the floor count, for speed signal, to open the door of peace control of the digital control signal, replacing the hoistway position detection device, to improve the reliability of the system accuracy of the peace.So that the elevator control system with advanced, reliable, and economic characteristics. Refers to the layer and has a hall call, layer selection, election to and other features.
Key words:Traction machine; Retarder; PLC; Frequency converter; Rotary encoder; Variable frequency speed regulation

摘要 3
绪论 5
第一章 电梯设备与电梯发展动态 7
1.1电梯设备 7
1.1.1电梯的分类 7
1.1.2电梯的主要参数 7
1.1.3 电梯的主要组成部分 8
1.1.4电梯的安全保护装置 9
1.2PLC电梯控制系统的优点 9
1.3电梯变频调速控制的优点 10
第二章 变频器的选择及其参数设计 11
2.1 变频器的分类 11
2.2VS-616G5型通用变频器 12
2.2.1选择VS-616G5型通用变频器的依据 12
2.2.2VS-616G5型通用变频器电梯调速系统 14
2.3变频器结构及参数设计 15
2.3.1变频器的组成 15
2.3.2 参数设置 17
2.3.3变频器自学习功能的应用方法 18
2.4变频器容量计算 19
2.5变频器制动电阻的计算 19
第三章 PLC的选择及其硬件开发 21
3.1可编程序控制器(PLC)的选择 21
3.1.1轿厢位置检测 22
3.1.2可编程控制器(PLC)的选择 23
3.1.3FX3U系列PLC的基本构成 23
3.2PLC控制系统硬件开发 24
3.2.1 设计思想 24
3.2.2 I/O点数的分配及机型的选择 28
3.3PLC外部接线图 30
3.3.1变频器主电路 30
3.3.2变频器控制电路 30
3.3.3轿厢位置及速度检测电路 31
3.3.4轿厢开关门电路 32
3.3.5内选外呼指示灯及轿厢位置显示电路 33
第四章系统软件开发 35
4.1电梯的三个工作状态 35
4.1.1电梯的自检状态 35
4.1.2电梯的正常工作状态 35
4.1.3 电梯强制工作状态 36
4.2软件设计要求 36
4.3软件流程 36
4.4系统的软件开发 38
4.4.1 电梯的开关门程序 38
4.4.2内指令外召唤信号的登记消除及显示程序 41
4.4.3 电梯的定向程序 44
4.4.4顺向截梯和反向截梯程序 46
4.4.5楼层检测程序 48
4.4.6轿厢位置显示程序 51
第五章 总结与展望 53
参考文献 54
致 谢 56