来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK718413 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK718413
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本设计背景是在收到工艺部门的水处理工艺流程图后,按照要求设计一种水处理控制系统。工艺流程图显示本水泥厂用水主要分为生产现场的工业用水、生活区的生活用水、厂区道路清洗用水以及消防系统用水。得到企业导师的建议后,决定在水处理控制系统中应用S7- 300系列的PLC,使深井中的生水经过一系列的水处理设备后达到使用要求。
The background of this design is to design a water treatment control system as required after receiving the water treatment process flow diagram of the process department. The process flow chart shows that the water used in the cement plant is mainly divided into industrial water at the production site, domestic water in the living area, road cleaning water in the plant area, and water for the fire protection system. After receiving the advice of the company's instructors, it was decided to apply the S7-300 series PLC in the water treatment system, so that the raw water in the deep well passed the series of water treatment equipment and reached the use requirements.
The article first introduces the purpose and significance of this topic and the development status of the water treatment control system at home and abroad. Then the working principle of the system is explained according to the water treatment process flow chart, and the instrument configuration diagram is drawn according to the instrument list. Then design the PLC control system according to the water treatment requirements, first carry out the hardware design of the water treatment system, then carry out the software design of the water treatment system, and use PLCSIM to simulate the operation of the program. Finally, the screen configuration is performed using PCS7 software.
Key Words:Cement plant;Water treatment;Instruments configuration;PLC

摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题目的及意义 1
1.2 国内外发展状况 1
1.3设计的主要内容 2
第2章 水处理控制系统工作原理及仪表配置 3
2.1主要组成部分 3
2.2 工作原理 4
2.3 自动化仪表配置 5
第3章水处理控制系统硬件设计 7
3.1 I/O表的制作 7
3.2 硬件系统的组态 7
3.3 硬件CAD图纸绘制 10
第4章水处理控制系统软件设计 13
4.1 顺序功能图的绘制 13
4.2 梯形图的编制与程序调试 17
第5章西门子PCS7画面组态 27
5.1 CFC图的绘制 27
5.2 画面组态与参数设置 28
第6章水泥厂水处理控制系统设计总结及展望 30
6.1 设计总结 30
6.2 展望 30
参考文献 31
附录 32
致谢 33