Design of NC Machine Tool Based on PLC Control
CNC machine tools are digital control devices combined of mechanical and electrical ,accounted for a great proportion in industrial production ,also reflect a country's industrial production level. the relays are applied to control CNC machine tools in the early age. But the relay has many drawbacks, such as large size, more lines, the accident difficult to make changes. Relay is a hard-wired system, once a problem happened, it is difficult to repair, also it is not reliable, and affecting the normal production.
In order to solve the shortcomings of relay control, this paper uses PLC to redesign CNC machine tools. PLC use soft wiring to control the CNC machine tools, to avoid the shortcomings of the relay hardwire. In this paper, Siemens S7-200 PLC is used to design of CNC machine tools, and optimizing its control performance. The main contents are the designs of the spindle, feed axis, tool change and emergency stop program. Finally, using the Siemens STEP7-MICRO software to write the corresponding PLC control program ladder diagram, and the relevant equipment is used to monitor the operation, observing the operation of the program.
This article uses the modular design method. The system is divided into basic parameter check module, spindle module, feed axis module, tool change module and emergency stop module. Different modules are independent of each other, so they will be easy to design and change. When drawing a ladder diagram, the program structure will be clear and easy to debug.
KEYWORDS: PLC, CNC machine tools,Ladder diagram

第一章 概述1
1.1 数控系统的工作原理1
1.1.1 数控系统的组成1
1.1.2 数控机床的工作原理及特点2
1.2 PLC的工作原理2
1.2.1 PLC的基本结构2
1.2.2 PLC的功能3
1.2.3 PLC的工作原理3
1.2.4 PLC程序的设计方法和步骤4
1.3 本章小结5
第二章 数控机床与PLC的联系6
2.1 数控机床与PLC的信息传递6
2.2 数控机床中PLC的控制对象6
2.3 PLC的优势及继电器的劣势6
2.4 本章小结6
3.1 西门子编程软件STEP7-MICRO介绍7
3.2 输入输出分配9
3.3 基本信号处理程序设计10
3.3.1 进给轴初始化程序10
3.3.2 CNC参数检查程序11
3.3.3 电动刀架参数检查程序12
3.3.4 进给轴回参考点程序13
3.4 进给轴控制程序设计14
3.4.1 驱动器延时程序15
3.4.2 CNC急停控制程序16
3.4.3 驱动器起停控制程序17
3.4.4 驱动器信号输出程序19
3.4.5 驱动器报警程序19
3.4.6 进给轴伺服使能控制程序20
3.4.7 进给轴进给使能控制程序22
3.4.8 进给轴制动器控制程序23
3.5 主轴控制程序设计24
3.5.1 主轴正反转控制程序24
3.5.2 主轴报警输出程序25
3.5.3 主轴转向控制程序26
3.5.4 主轴手动控制程序27
3.5.5 主轴换向控制程序28
3.5.6 主轴停止程序29
3.5.7 主轴制动程序30
3.5.8 主轴信号输出程序31
3.5.9 主轴制动器延时程序32
3.6 电动刀架换刀程序设计33
3.6.1 电动刀架简介34
3.6.2 刀架初始化程序34
3.6.3 刀号转换程序35
3.6.4 T代码换刀程序37
3.6.5 换刀监控程序38
3.6.6 手动换刀程序40
3.6.7 换刀信号输出程序40
3.7 紧急停止程序41
3.7.1 行程保护程序43
3.7.2 超程方向输出程序44
3.7.3 急停链超程轴输出程序45
3.7.4 超程解除程序46
3.8 梯形图的调试48
3.9 本章小结48
附录Ⅰ 输入输出分配表54
附录Ⅱ 刀架报警程序57