摘 要
技术要求:每层设有其它两层的选层按钮。 按下其中一层的选层按钮,选层信号被登记,其相应得选层指示灯亮。电梯可自动达到该层,待装完货且将厅门关好后,电梯自动消号并行至所选楼层。如电梯到达该层10s后未将门打开,其呼号被清除,其呼梯号被清除,电梯应答其它层呼梯号。当电梯处于检修转状态时,可通过慢上和慢下按钮点动移动轿厢。
关键词:可编程控制器, 三层饭店送饭系统,三菱FX1S-30MR
Based on PLC control layer 3 hotel dinner system
With microelectronics technology and computer technology to develop rapidly, PLC (programmable controller) in the industrial control area are very widely. PLC is based on a digital computer technology, designed for industrial application and design under the environment of the electronic control unit, it USES programmable memory, storage for user instructions, through digital or analog input/output, complete a logical sequence, timing, etc, operation of function, to control all types of electromechanical equipment and production process.
This design mainly introduces three layers of PLC control system, due to the restaurant meals in the automatic control of PLC has many advantages, here so I choose the main function is to realize.
Technical requirements: each layer with other two layers of selected layer button. Press one layer of selected layer button, choose layer, the corresponding signal is registered to choose layer indicator. Lift up the layer can be loaded with goods, and will be shut doors, hall, and runs away elevator automatically selected floors. Such as elevators reach this layer 10s not open the door, after their outcry be removed, the hall was cleared, elevator response other layer hall. When the elevator in turn, can repair by the slow and slow button at moving enclosure.
Control requirements: each layer has elevator position indicator function calls and function of the speed limit and reliable function
Content: the design principle of the electric control design of PLC selection and the I/O port distribution of PLC control program written instructions written according to the requirements of graduation design drawing design pattern.
KEY WORDS: programmable controller, three-layer hotel dinner, mitsubishi FX1S - 30MR system

目 录
前 言 1
第1章 概 述 2
1.1 可编程控制器(PLC)的概述 2
1.1.1 可编程控制器(PLC)简介 2
1.1.2 PLC的产生与发展 3
1.1.3 PLC的发展趋势 4
第2章 PLC与其他控制系统的比较 5
2.1 PLC与其他控制系统的比较 5
2.1.1 PLC与继电器控制系统的比较 5
2.1.2 PLC与微机的比较 5
2.2 ×××××× 7
2.2.1 ×××××× 7
第3章 送饭系统设计步骤 8
3.1 电梯的工作原理 9
3.1.1 ×××××× 9
3.1.2 ×××××× 9
3.2送饭电梯控制系统控制说明 10
第4章 电梯电气原理图设计 13
4.1电梯电气原理图设计 30
4.1.2 ×××××× 31
4.2 ×××××× 31
第5章 ×××××× 32
5.1 ×××××× 32
5.1.1 ×××××× 32
5.1.2 ×××××× 32
5.2 ×××××× 32
5.2.1 ×××××× 32
5.2.2 ×××××× 32
结 论 33
谢 辞 34
参考文献 35
附 录 38
外文资料翻译 39