SINUMERIK 808D数控车床PLC连接与调试(含CAD图)(任务书,设计说明书18000字,CAD图纸2张)
根据上面叙述本毕业设计主要强调SINUMERIK 808D数控车床PLC的连接与调试主要分为以下几个部分:
关键词:SINUMERIK 808D; PLC; 连接; 调试
Numerical control technology as an important aspect of mechanical, with the progress of science and technology of numerical control technology in the national production occupies a more and more important position.PLC as an important component of mechanical automation because of PLC applicable scope, the characteristics of simple operation make it plays a more and more important position in mechanical production. CNC lathe is set by the user's program command to implement the machining operation of components.Numerical control lathe has the very high operational and automaticity.
Numerical control technology is a representative of the emerging technologies, the world information industry, biology industry and aviation technology industries widely used numerical control technology is used to improve the level of manufacturing technology and the ability to improve the adaptability and competition ability of the market, because of its importance is listed as a national strategic material, vigorously develops the numerical control technology is to improve the national comprehensive .With increasing in the production of machinery manufacturing sheet small batch and defense industry sector to improve the parts processing requirements, complicated shape process trouble artifacts more and more people to the requirements of the artifacts are also increased Therefore, urgent need a flexible, universal flexible automation machine or production line that is numerical control technology.
On the task of CNC lathe as production, PLC to control the machine tool can know the main action, the development of information technology make NC lathe technology is also in happening fast progress, in the traditional sense of the CNC lathe has can't meet the needs of the People's Daily life.Therefore, to improve our CNC lathe technology.PLC programmable controller because of its powerful function and strong anti-jamming has become people to design the machine tools, the selection of primary components.This design is to strengthen the communication between PLC and CNC machine tool.Numerical control system connected to the PLC and PLC program design is the core part of this design.
The design in the design of the main problems are: solve the numerical control lathe CNC system and the PLC analysis;PLC I/o address allocation, on the basis of the machine tool control and reasonable allocation of the PLC I/o address, PLC input signal is usually relay, the output signal is generally small intermediate relay and light;PLC peripheral circuit design can be divided into button switch input circuit connection with PLC, indicator light relay connected to the output circuit;Parameter setting for PLC part mainly can be divided into: address range and the MCP signal, user alarm machine and PLC, HMI, NCK data;PLC control block diagram design can be divided into: the design of the main program, data exchange program, the initialization program, cooling and lubrication.
This graduation design focuses on the emphasis on SINUMERIK 808 D numerical control lathe PLC connection and debugging
Mainly divided into the following several parts:
(1) CNC system and the analysis of the function of PLC.
(2)PLC I/O address allocation, peripheral circuit design.
(3) The PLC parameter setting.
(4) The design of the PLC control block diagram.
(5)Design the PLC control system.
(6)A common connection failure analysis and processing
Through the design should meet the requirements: understand the development process of CNC lathe and CNC system, understand the development stages of the numerical control system;Familiar with CNC lathe parts components including mechanical parts, electrical control and PLC control part;Improve the ability of using CAD software;Familiar with PLC control of PLC programming and simulation, can be independently write PLC program and the commonly used application software of PLC software simulation, understand common issues and problems in the numerical control lathe connection method.
Key words: SINUMERIK 808D; PLC; connection; debugging

目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2数控系统地发展 1
1.3本设计主要任务 2
第二章SINUMERIK 808D概括 4
2.1 SINUMERIK 808D简介 4
2.2 SINUMERIK 808D组成部分 4
第三章 数控系统的机构组成 8
3.1 数控系统的结构原理 8
3.2数控系统CNC的组成 8
第四章 数控车床PLC的机构组成和工作原理 11
4.1 数控机床PLC的形式 11
4.2 数控车床PLC的硬件组成和功能 11
4.3 PLC的工作原理 13
4.4 PLC与数控车床的信息传递 14
第五章808D电气电路设计 15
5.1 电气控制电路简介 15
5.1.2 电气原理图的要求 15
5.1.3 电气设计的原则 15
5.2 808D电路的设计 16
5.2.1电气集成电路 16
5.2.2 控制系统电路 18
第六章 PLC的设计 20
6.1 PLC的编程方法 20
6.2 PLC的设计 20
6.2.1PLC设计方法 20
6.2.2PLC程序设计步骤 20
6.2.3 PLC在车床控制的分析 21
6.2.4PLC参数设定 21
6.2.5 PLC机床数据 23
6.2.6 HMI数据 24
6.2.7 NCK数据 24
6.2.8 PLC的输入输出地址 25
6.3 PLC控制部分设计 27
6.3.1 主轴程序设计 27
6.3.2 主轴和进给轴的控制程序 28
6.3.3 机床冷却系统控制程序 30
6.3.4带二进制编码功能的刀架程序 31
6.3.5 辅助程序设计 33
6.4 PLC控制部分调试 34
6.4.1 PLC连接 35
6.4.2 安装Programming Tool 35
6.4.3 PLC程序的在线调试 36
6.4.4 PLC用户报警调试 36
第七章 常见连接的故障的分析和处理 39
7.1 硬件故障 39
7.1.1开机无法进入系统 39
7.1.2 电池报警 39
7.1.3 MCP触摸板不能用 39
7.1.4 RS23传输故障 40
7.1.5主轴故障 40
7.1.6主轴编码器故障 41
7.2 PLC故障 41
7.2.1 报警提示700013 41
7.2.2 报警提示 700017 41
7.2.3 报警提示 700022 42
7.2.4故障提示700025 42
7.2.5故障提示700024 42
7.2.6故障提示 700028 42
总结 43
参考文献 44
致谢 45