摘 要
我设计的料斗移动小车又叫过跨电动平车,在经过大量阅读料斗小车书本的基础上,我从小车生产需求方面出发,设计了50T的电动平板车样机。 关键词:平板车 强度 轨道车轮
Hopper electric flat car design
With the development of the era constantly steel industry towards high speed, overload, leapfrog development capacity. A lot of work and efficiency of production workshop in growing and improving, so logistics speed requirements of workshop has a further increase. Prior to move the workpiece by a single crown has been completely can not meet the requirement of the modern high efficient production, at the same time the large mara car handling way has also become a kind of typical waste. So the workshop need this has simple structure, convenient use, large carrying capacity, easy maintenance, long service life of the hopper electric flat car to ensure smooth handling of so I designed hopper electric car was completely adapt to the demand of the society.
I've designed hopper car is primarily a cross electric flat car, after extensive reading on the basis of related literature, I based on actual production demand, the 50 t electric flat car prototype design.
I have mainly introduced the cross in the design of electric flat car overall design theory and design process, including a across the overall design of electric flat car running mechanism and transmission mechanism, across to the layout of the electric flat car body, car running mechanism calculation. Calculation in the design of shaft and bearing selection, the selection and design of the bearing, gear motor selection, the design of the shaft.
Keywords:Flat carb strength Rail wheels
(2)轨距: 1436mm

目 录
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
1绪 论 1
2料斗移动小车设计综述 2
2.1料斗移动小车概况 2
2.2料斗移动小车的类型 2
3料斗移动小车的控制系统 3
3.1PLC控制系统示意图 3
3.2开关量I/O模块 3
3.3元器件的选用 3
3.4料斗移动小车的工作流程 4
4料斗移动小车电气控制系统设计 6
4.1 I/O端口分配: 6
4.2资源详细分配: 6
4.3变频器的端子接线: 7
4.4 PLC控制程序设计 7
5料斗移动小车车轮类型的选用 11
5.1车轮的材料选用 11
5.2车轮的结构选用 11
5.3车轮的直径选则 11
6料斗移动小车传动系统结构的设计与计算 13
6.1设计参数: 13
6.2电动机的类型选用: 13
6.3电动机的功率选用 13
6.4电动机转速的选用 14
6.5电动机型号的选用 14
6.6 计算总传动比和分配各级传动比 14
6.7 计算传动装置的运动和动力参数 15
6.8减速器的计算与选用 15
7行走机构的设计 17
7.1主动轮轴的设计 17
7.2 从动轮轴的设计 19
8车架的设计 21
8.1材料选用 21
8.2结构选用 21
9三维建模 22
10.结论 24
参考文献 25
致 谢 27