摘 要
The elevator control system based on PLC
Introduced in the seven layers of elevator work process and PLC control hardware and software of the system are analyzed, and the automatic sliding layer, elevator opened and closed, floor of the study showed ladder diagram. Along with the rapid development of Chinese economy, microelectronics technology, computer technology and automatic control technology is rapidly developing, the reliability of the technique for elevator, has entered a new era, the more and more wide application. As a modern high-rise building of elevator traffic tools, vertical is closely related to people's lives, with people to improve their requirements, elevator has been developed rapidly, the logic of PLC control also replace original relay control. Elevator adopts PLC control, use software to realize the automatic control of elevator running, reliability, improve greatly. Control system structure is simple, external circuit simplified. Another can easily add or change control function.
Will programmable logic controller (PLC) is applied to 7 elevator for logic control, and greatly improve the flexibility and reliability, maintainability, and prolong the life, and shorten the development cycle of the elevator. PLC system is the core of the system, all kinds of elevator signal to PLC, then sent by PLC control signal and instructions for door control signal devices and control of elevator to the floor monitor PLC operation state, according to the input signal and call for signal's place elevator running direction can be determined, the elevator, after the arrival of the automatic adjustment layers, parking, open and closed in the operation process of the actual position and display elevator running direction, and complete the registration of call signals, etc; XiaoHao,
In this paper, some major software completed floor show circuit, choose to loop, selected layers circuit, instructions and summon circuit design. PLC control of elevator, through the rational choice and design, improve the elevator control level, and improve the operation of intimacy, the ideal to control effect.
KEY WORDS: Elevator, PLC, ladder diagram
电气安全装置与机械安全装置共同构成了电梯的安全保护系统,电气安全装置 包括:① 超速电气保护装置;② 供电系统断相、错相保护装置;③ 超越上、下极限工作位置时的保护装置;④ 层门锁与轿门电气连锁装置;⑤ 操纵盘紧急开关;⑥ 超载开关;⑦ 自动门防夹开关。

目 录
前 言 1
第1章 绪论 2
1.1 关于电梯 2
1.1.1 电梯的起源与现状 2
1.1.2 电梯的研究意义 3
1.1.3 电梯控制系统的分类 4
1.1.4 电梯的基本原理结构 5
1.1.5 电梯控制系统方案选择 5
1.1.6 PLC控制电梯的优点 9
1.1.7 控制系统设计方案的确定 10
第2章 电梯的电气系统 12
2.1 电力拖动系统 12
2.1.1 轿厢的升降运动 12
2.1.2 厅门及轿门的开关运动 12
2.2 电梯的PLC控制系统 13
第3章 控制系统的硬件设计 14
3.1 控制系统的组成 14
3.1.1 控制系统的主电路 14
3.1.2 控制系统的控制电路 14
3.2 I/O点数的确定及PLC的选择 14
3.2.1 输入设备的确定 14
3.2.2 输出设备的确定 15
3.2.3 PLC的选择 15
3.2.4 建立I/O地址分配表 16
第4章 控制系统的软件设计 19
4.1 编程思想 19
4.2 功能实现流程 20
4.3 开门和关门控制设计 21
4.4 楼层信号的产生 22
4.5 外选层信号的产生与清除环节 23
4.6 内选层信号的产生与清除环节 25
4.7 电梯的定向 26
4.8 停层信号产生环节 28
4.9 停车制动及运行 30
结 论 32
谢 辞 33
参考文献 34
外文资料翻译 36