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摘 要
The Z3050 drilling lathe which was commonly seen in workhouse, and it is widely used in mechanism industry. There were too many faults in the traditional relay controlled drilling lathe, such as the complex connections in circuit; too much noises and so on, besides these hidden problems ,the diagnosing and expelling for the mistakes w as also difficult. it is necessary to improve its controlling system in technical.
This article propose using the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) to replace the traditional control system which was compounded of relays, and this control theory was based on the function of relays. it shows the principle and unique of the PLC ;also shows both hardware structure and software of the new Z3050 drilling lathe which was controlled by The PLC, including allocation for input/output address, external connection diagram, designs for programs.
Through analyses the procedure that the Z3050 works, I chased main components.
Through the improvement, we simplify the control system, it both perfect the function and cut down costs which was used for maintenances. The reform of Z3050 can easily help us to realize low-cost and energy-costless during the production, it has gorgeous prospects in industry.
key words: PLC drilling lathe block diagram control system contactor
(5)PLC 控制分析

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 引 言 1
1.1本课题选题背景和意义 1
1.2 现状及发展状态 2
1.2.1 PLC的应用领域 2
1.2.2 PLC的国内外状况 3
1.3 本文的主要工作 3
第2章 PLC的概述 5
2.1 PLC的基本知识 5
2.1.1 PLC的产生及发展 5
2.1.2 PLC的组成 5
2.1.3 PLC的工作原理 8
2.1.4 PLC的基本性能指标 9
2.1.5 PLC的特点 10
2.2 PLC的编程语言 12
2.2.1 梯形图编程语言 12
2.2.2 功能图编程语言 13
2.2.3 语句表编程语言 14
第3章 Z3050控制线路原理分析 15
3.1 Z3050摇臂钻床简介 15
3.1.1 Z3050摇臂钻床的结构及运行 16
3.1.2 Z3050摇臂钻床的电力拖动的特点和控制要求 16
3.1.3 Z3050控制线路概述 16
3.2 Z3050控制线路原理分析 18
3.2.1 主电路分析 18
3.2.2 控制电路分析 19
第4章 基于PLC的Z3050控制系统设计 21
4.1 PLC的型号选择 15
4.1.1 PLC的型号选择 15
4.1.2 Z3050摇臂钻床PLC控制系统电路图设计 16
4.2 基于PLC的Z3050型摇臂钻床控制系统软件设计 17
4.2.1 PLC梯形图程序设计 17
4.2.2 PLC梯形图系统调试 20
4.2.3 PLC控制指令表 20
4.2.4 PLC 控制系统分析 31
4.2.5 元器件布置接线图设计 30
第5章 主要电气元件及选择 31
5.1断路器 31
5.1.1 断路器结构、原理 31
5.1.2 断路器的选择 31
5.2接触器 32
5.2.1 接触器结构、原理 32
5.2.2 接触器的选择 32
5.3热继电器 34
5.3.1 热继电器结构、原理 34
5.3.2 热继电器的选择 35
5.4熔断器 36
5.4.1 熔断器结构、原理 36
5.4.2 熔断器的选择 36
第6章 结论 38
参 考 文 献 39
致 谢 40
附 录 41
附录1 Z3050型摇臂钻床PLC控制系统电气原理图 41
附录2 S7-200 CPU的技术指标 42
附录3 Z3050型摇臂钻床PLC控制I/O(输入、输出)地址分配表 44
附录4 Z3050型摇臂钻床控制系统电路图 46
附录5 Z3050型摇臂钻床配电箱元件位置及接线图 47
附录6 Z3050型摇臂钻床PLC控制系统梯形图 48
附录7 Z3050元器件明细表 50