摘 要
This papers first give an account of the history and origin of instant noodles, t analyzing its huge future prospects. For instant noodles ,I have an initial understanding of the production process, including the burden of instant noodles, ingredients, production profiles, processes, production methods and the whole production line, especially,I designed the kneading machine which plays a key role in the instant noodle production line, including working of theory the dough machine works, the categories of the composition, operational requirements and methods, common problems and troubleshooting, and aegis of kneading machine, as well as the technical requirements. The kneading machine I designed by myself is axis horizontal machines., This machine can mix dough by 125 kg one time, suitable for all kinds of toughness dough. It is designed to be refer T-66 kneading machine, the main characteristic is to choose a roll cage mixers, drive system of strap and gear, standard reducer and so on. To be different for T-66 kneading machine ,this kneading machine uses a equipment at the bottom for unloading, using two opposite impeller mixing, and with different speed, to achieve a great mixing effect. The container of the machine can be unloaded easily, play a role in cleaning and maintenance. The design drawn Assembly drawing of equipment, some key parts diagram and parts diagram. Simple structure and low cost of this kneading machine is suit for the every production capacity of instant noodles.
Key words: instant noodle; kneading machine; double-spindle
生产能力为5万包/班 每班为8小时
和面时间为15—20min 取15min
方便面面饼的质量取为100g/包 面粉含量取为80%

目 录
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
目 录 V
1 绪论 1
1.1 本课题的研究内容和意义 1
1.2 国内外的发展概况 2
2 方便面加工系统 3
2.1 油炸方便面的起源 3
2.2 油炸方便面的工艺流程 3
2.3 油炸方便面制作方法 3
2.4 质量标准 4
2.5 方便面加工装备规格 4
2.6 方便面生产线成套设备 4
3 双轴式和面机设计 5
3.1 设计参考 5
3.1.1 和面机调制基本过程 5
3.1.2 和面机分类 5
3.1.3 和面机的主要零部件 8
3.2 设计步骤 11
3.2.1 选择和面机容量 11
3.2.2 总体方案设计 11
3.2.3 运动参数设计 13
3.2.4 动力参数设计 16
3.2.5 其它装置设计 17
3.2.6 设计图 17
4 和面机操作及故障分析 21
4.1 和面操作要求 21
4.2 和面操作方法 21
4.3 和面机常见故障及排除方法 22
5 和面机的维护和保养 23
5.1 机器设备保养的意义 23
5.2 机器设备保养等级的划分 23
6 和面机的技术要求 25
6.1 一般技术要求 25
6.2 工作条件 25
6.3 使用性能 25
6.4 主要零部件质量要求 25
6.5 装配要求 26
6.6 整机性能 27
6.7 电动机功率与耗电量 27
6.8 电气 27
6.9 外观要求 27
7 结论与展望 28
7.1 结论 28
7.2 不足之处及未来展望 28
致 谢 29
参考文献 30