摘 要
This design is the numerical control lathe workpiece manipulator design, including the determination of overall scheme, design of mechanical structure design and important parts. Along with the development of modern industry and the competition put forward new requirements to processing efficiency, numerical control lathe workpiece loading and unloading automation becomes the current manufacturer's one of the important requirements for machine tools. In order to meet the needs of users, the current China's machine tool manufacturers began on the part of numerical control lathe automatic up-down material manipulator configuration artifacts.But, if the servo motor drive and control its high cost, complex structure, slow speed, the efficiency is low; If adopts hydraulic drive, the leak on the CNC requirements of clean environment certain side effects.With the continuous development of pneumatic technology, gas drive also can become a driving force of the manipulator, end of the cost, simple structure, high efficiency, clean, coupled with the PLC control system to realize integration of mechanical and electrical gas control.
This design is mainly design with low cost, high speed of the cylinder to form a modular pneumatic manipulator, and implement numerical control lathe automatic loading and unloading of workpiece, overcome existing in the application of servo motor limitations of high cost and low efficiency. The thesis completed the main design work includes the following several aspects: (1) the overall structure of the design of modular pneumatic loading and unloading manipulator; (2) study the long-span cylinder fixed support form; (3) studies the technique of side flip horizontal motion cylinder; (4) the research output and implements the cylinder rod (5) high precision flexible adjustment technology pneumatic control loop and PLC control system is designed.
Key words:manipulator;automation;up-down material ;gas drive
1) 抓重:600g (夹持式手部)
2) 自由度数:4个自由度
3) 坐标型式:直角坐标型
4) 横臂手臂长度:2180mm
5) 手臂最大高度:2769.5mm
6) 手臂运动参数
7) 手腕运动参数
回转范围: 0-180°
3 各模块的设计
3.1 机械手手部模块的设计
3.1.1 手部设计基本要求
(1) 应当具备适当的加紧力和驱动力。应当考虑到在一定的加紧力下,不同的传动机构所需的加紧力不同。
(2) 手指应具有一定的张开范围,手指应该具有足够的开闭角度(手指从张开到闭合绕支点所转过的角度)Δγ,以便于抓取工件。
(3) 要求结构紧凑、重量轻、效率高,在保证本身刚度、强度的前提下,尽可能使结构紧凑、重量轻,以利于减轻手臂的负载。
(4) 要便于安装和维修,易于实现计算机控制。用计算机控制最方便的是电气式执行机构。因此,机械手手部设计的主流是电气式,其次是液压式和气压式(在驱动接口中需要增加电-液或电-气变换环节)。
(5) 应保证手抓的夹持精度。[4]

摘 要 IV
Abstract V
目 录....... VI
1 绪论 1
1.1 前言和意义 1
1.2 工业机械手的简史 1
1.3 国内外研究现象和趋势 2
1.4 设计原则 3
2 数控车床上下工件机械手的总体设计 4
2.1 技术要求 4
2.2 机械手总体设计 4
2.2.1 执行机构的选择 4
2.2.2 驱动机构的选择 5
2.2.3 传动结构的选择 5
2.2.4 机械手的基本形式选择 7
2.2.5 机械手直臂部分的主要部件及运动 8
2.2.6 机械手的技术参数 8
3 各模块的设计 10
3.1 机械手手部模块的设计 10
3.1.1 手部设计基本要求 10
3.1.2 典型的手部结构 10
3.1.3 机械手手爪的设计计算 10
3.2 机械手腕部模块的设计 14
3.2.1 腕部设计的基本要求 14
3.2.2 腕部的结构以及选择 14
3.2.3 腕部的设计计算 15
3.3 机械手手臂模块的设计 16
3.3.1 手臂的结构的选择及其驱动机构 16
3.3.2 滚珠丝杠设计 16
3.3.3 锥齿轮及锥齿轮轴的设计 18
3.3.5 电机选型 21
4 直臂导杆气缸的设计 22
4.1 气缸体的设计 22
4.1.1 预选气缸的缸径 22
4.1.2 预选气缸的行程 22
4.1.3 气缸的类型选择 23
4.1.4 活塞杆直径d的计算 23
4.1.5 气缸筒壁厚 的计算 23
4.1.6 气缸输出拉力的校核 24
4.1.7 耗气量的计算 24
4.2导杆机构的设计 25
6 结论与展望 27
致谢 28
参考文献 29