摘 要
Stepless speed technology USES belt and the work of the Lord diameters driven pulley, cooperated with the power to deliver, can realize the TRANSMISSION ratio of the continuous change, and get the TRANSMISSION and engine condition the best match between. Common step-less transmission have hydraulic mechanical step-less transmission and belt type step-less transmission , the current domestic market of the vehicles already more and more. Editor this section step-less transmission and the origin of the automatic transmission.
Automatic transmission is easy to operate, reduce fatigue driving, born of the gear drive system, the control method, it can be divided into the hydraulic controlled hydraulic and electric automatic transmission hydraulic automatic transmission; According to the change of the transmission way and can be divided into have levels of automatic transmission and no levels of automatic transmission. Therefore, step-less transmission is actually a kind of automatic transmission, but it than common automatic transmission is much more complex, more advanced technologies. Step-less transmission and common hydraulic automatic transmission of the biggest differences is on the structure, the latter is by hydraulic control gear drive system structure, still have the gears, it can be realized in between the two block is continuously variable transmission , and is two groups plate and a belt speed of than traditional automatic transmission, simple structure, smaller. In addition, it is free to change gear ratios, so as to realize the full speed stepless speed change, make more smoothly, without the traditional transmission shift at the "" feeling. Editor this section step-less transmission classification.
Key words:Stepless speed technology;Automatic transmission;reduce fatigue driving

目 录
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
目 录 V
1 绪论 1
1.1 无极变速器的发展 1
1.1.1 国外无极变速器的发展及现状 1
1.1.2 国内无级变速器的发展及现状 2
2 纸长调节无极变速器的结构及传动原理 4
2.1 纸长调节无极变速器的结构 4 4
2.2 传动原理 4
2.3 调节过程 5
3 电动机的选择 7
4 传动齿轮设计 8
4.1 概述: 8
4.2 齿轮设计 8
4.2.1 选定齿轮类型、精度等级、材料及齿数 8
4.2.2 初步设计 9
4.2.3 几何计算 9
4.2.4 强度设计 11
4.2.5 齿根弯曲强度验算 12
5 轴的设计计算 14
5.1 概述 14
5.2 轴的设计 14
5.2.1 求输入轴上的功率 ,转速n和转矩 14
5.2.2 求作用在齿轮上的力 14
5.2.3 初步确定轴的最小直径 14
5.2.4 按弯扭合成应力校核轴的强度 15
5.2.5 精确校核轴的疲劳强度 15
6 螺杆的设计计算 17
6.1 根据耐磨性计算螺杆直径 17
6.2 牙型、材料和许用应力 18
6.3 按耐磨性设计 19
6.4 验算耐磨性 19
6.5 螺纹牙的强度计算 20
7 轴承的校核 21
7.1 概述 21
7.2 轴承的校核 22
7.2.1 求两轴承收到的径向载荷 23
7.2.3 求轴承当量动载荷 和 25
7.2.4 验算轴承寿命 25
8 链传动的设计计算 26
8.1 概述 26
8.2 链设计计算 26
8.2.1 选择链轮齿数 26
8.2.3 选择链条型号和节距 26
8.2.4 计算链节数和中心距 26
总 结 28
致 谢 29
参考文献 30