关键词:带式输送机 液压张紧装置 自动控制[13]
With the continuous development of coal industry, long distance belt conveyor in high efficiency coal industry plays an important role, the tensioning device is an important part of the conveyor is also very important. The traditional tensioning device has advantages of mature technology, simple mechanism, but the tension is insufficient, can not adjust the shortcomings also, affect the safe operation of the conveyor, therefore, the design of a modern, tensioning device can automatically adjust the tension is very necessary.
Design of hydraulic tensioning device of belt conveyor, is based on reviewing the original tensioning device, combined with the characteristics of domestic work by conveyor design. The tensioning device is the use of mechanical and electrical integration control, mechanical, hydraulic, electrical three parts, the main part of the mechanical system of wire rope slow, block, tension winch and tensioning bogie, the main component of the hydraulic system of hydraulic motor, hydraulic pump, accumulator, brake and tension buffer cylinder, the electrical part is using the electro-hydraulic proportional relief valve, the output torque control of hydraulic motor, through the measured tension sensor the tension value of the feedback can be adjusted on the conveyor belt tension to achieve different operating conditions of the automatically generated greater tension at startup, normal operation when the output of a reasonable tension, is a kind of automatic control, Safety, high efficiency, energy saving hydraulic tensioning device
Key words: belt conveyor; hydraulic tensioning device; Auto-Control

摘要 I
目录 III
第一章 绪论 1
1.1张紧装置的发展概述 1
1.2张紧装置的发展及应用 2
1.3选题的意义 2
第二章 整体方案的设计 3
2.1 设计要求 3
2.2 液压张紧装置方案确定 4
2.2.1方案一 4
2.2.2方案二 5
2.2..3方案对比 6
2.3整体结构设计 7
第三章 张紧装置元件的设计及选型 8
3.1液压执行元件的选型 8
3.1.1 液压马达的选型 8
3.1.2液压缸的选型 9
3.2液压动力元件的选型 14
3.2.1 液压油泵 14
3.2.2 配合电动机 15
3.3 液压控制元件的选取 17
3.3.1 溢流阀 17
3.3.2 电磁换向阀 17
3.3.3 单向阀 17
3.3.4 液控单向阀 17
3.3.5 单向节流阀 18
3.3.6 截止阀 18
3.4液压辅助装置的选型 18
3.4.1 蓄能器 18
3.4.2 油箱 18
3.4.3过滤器 19
3.4.4液压管路 19
3.5张紧装置元件型号汇总 22
3.6 张紧装置经济核算 23
3.7 液压泵站的设计 24
第四章 总结 26
参考文献 27