摘 要
关键词:风机 结构设计 建模
The overall design of the 2MW wind turbine
In recent years the energy crisis to gradually into the public view,new energy as an alternative to fossil energy form, wind power accept more and more attention.
This article first chapter first to narrative of energy situation, analysis of wind power development internal causes; Then discusses the development history and status quo of wind power at home and abroad, it is helpful to grasp the development trend of wind power equipment; And then discusses the classification of fan, is beneficial to clarify the difference between various fan, all parts of the structure of the design is conducive to the next.
The second chapter first contrast horizontal axis with vertical axis turbine, now ,many countries are focus on wind turbines with horizontal axis, and then to its internal gear box Main shaft generator and so on various major components, this paper discussed the classification and function Through the above discussion, this paper selected the current mainstream models, namely the horizontal axis in the wind Three blade type variable pitch doubly-fed wind turbine design.
The third and fourth chapter, according to chapter 2 of the selected models for the structure design of key components, completed the calculation of structure size, shape, selection and design of and theoretical analysis of the stress components accurately, verify the rationality of the design Based on the above calculation results, the design of the fan on the 3d modeling, the design result is intuitionistic visibility.
Keywords:Wind turbine; Structural design; Modeling

目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景 1
1.2 风力发电的分类 1
1.3 国内外风电发展现状及展望 2
1.3.1 国外风力发电发展现状及展望 2
1.3.2 国内风力发电发展现状及展望 3
1.4 本课题主要研究内容 5
第二章 风电机组常见机型及其结构形式 7
2.1 风力机分类 7
2.1.1 垂直轴风力机 7
2.1.2 水平轴风力机 8
2.2 水平轴风力机基础件 9
2.2.1 机舱 9
2.2.2 基础的作用及分类 10
2.2.3 塔架的作用及分类 11
2.2.4 轮毂作用及分类 11
2.2.5 叶片作用及分类 12
2.2.6 主轴、轴承与联轴器 13
2.3 传动系统 14
2.3.1 变桨系统作用及分类 14
2.3.2 偏航系统作用及分类 15
2.3.3 齿轮箱的作用和分类 16
2.4 发电机的作用和分类 18
2.5 本章小结 19
第三章 水平轴风力发电机组的结构设计 21
3.1 发电机的设计与选择 21
3.2 刹车系统的设计 22
3.3 齿轮箱的设计 23
3.4 主轴、轴承与联轴器的设计 25
3.5 叶片、轮毂和变桨系统的设计 28
3.6 塔筒、机舱、偏航系统系统的设计 29
3.7 本章小结 30
第四章 关键部件分析 31
4.1 叶片 31
4.2 塔筒 33
4.3 本章小结 35
第五章 总结与展望 36
5.1 总结与展望 36
参考文献 37
致谢 39