摘 要
The paper uses the powerful finite element analysis preprocessing software Hypermesh to import the frame model,extract the midsurface,clean up the geometry ,divide the grid and check the quality of mesh.Then we transport the completed finite model into the solver ABAQUS.With additional load and constraints,the stiffness and strength of the frame were calculated. Lastly,we should optimize those exessive pressure structures.Then we can verify whether the stiffness and strength requirements are fitted,and get the final frame model.
This paper mainly studies the finite element analysis method of frame,the specific application of Hypermesh and ABAQUS in finite element analysis.And we also analyze the stiffness and strength of the load conditions.Lastly,we improved the structure which are under pressure.
Research results show that:In the plane of lifting mechanism,we exert forces of 100t.The material does not exceed the material limit.But the strengthening beam still can be installed to increase the stiffness and strength of the frame.
The characteristics of this paper:The characteristics of this paper are mainly based on the advantages of each software to choose software for finite element analysis,modeling through the powerful modeling fuction of CATIA,meshing generation through the powerful pretreatment software like Hypermesh,and by the powerful calculation ability of ABAQUS,the stiffness and strength of the constrained force are calculated.The finite element analysis are completed by these softwares.Then we carry through the optimization design.
Key Words:;Frame;CAD/CAE;Hypermesh;ABAQUS;Finite ElementAnalysis;Static Analysis

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景和研究意义 1
1.2 研究目标 2
1.3 研究过程与方法 2
1.4 论文结构安排 2
第2章 Hypermesh前处理 3
2.1 模型导入与多余部件的处理 3
2.2 抽取中面与几何清理 4
2.3 网格划分与网格质量检测 5
第3章 车架的静态分析 7
3.1 静力分析基本理论 7
3.2 汽车车架刚度理论 7
3.2.1汽车车架弯曲刚度 7
3.2.2汽车车架扭转刚度 9
3.3 车架载荷分类 9
3.3.1静载荷 9
3.3.2动载荷 10
3.4车架剪力弯矩的计算 10
3.5车架工况分析 11
3.5.1满载弯曲工况 12
3.5.2满载扭转工况 16
3.5.3紧急制动工况 18
3.5本章小结 20
第4章 车架优化 21
4.1 优化概述 21
4.2 优化模型 21
4.3 优化结果 22
第5章 总结与展望 23
5.1 本文总结 23
5.2 前景展望 23
参考文献 25
致谢 26