来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK717947 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK717947
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摘 要
With the continuous development of the economy,the mold industry in China is also in making progress,and the mold manufacturing industry is playing an increasingly important role in the industry.The use frequency of plastic products formed by injection molding machine is very high in daily life.Almost every industry and every aspect are using injection molding manufacturing industry accounts for a high proportion and the application range is very wide.The bed of the injection molding machine is the most basic part of the injection molding machine. Injection device and die device are installed on the bed,the hydraulic system in the bed to provide power to they,so that the injection molding machine can work,so the bed is an indispensable part.This subject is to study the bed structure design of XS-ZY-250A plastic injection molding machine,including using CAD software to draw the assembly drawing and part of the bed,and using UG software to simulate the bed structure of the injection molding machine.
Key words:Injection molding machine;body design;CAD software;UG software

目 录
第一章 绪论 6
1.1模具行业的发展状况 6
1.2注塑成型机的发展历史 6
1.3塑料注塑成型机的工作原理、组成及特点 6
1.3.1塑料注塑成型机的工作原理 6
1.3.2塑料注塑成型机的组成 6
1.3.3塑料注塑机的特点 7
第二章 注塑机的选择及床身的要求 8
2.1注射成型机的分类 8
2.2注塑机机床床身的定义及基本要求 8
2.2.1注塑机机床床身的定义 8
2.3注塑机的安全措施 8
第三章 注塑机机床床身的设计方案 10
3.1床身外轮廓的设计 10
3.2单作用液压缸支架的设计 10
3.3螺钉的选择 11
3.3.1螺钉的选择 11
3.3.2螺钉的计算 12
3.4导轨的设计 12
3.5压板的设计 13
3.8限位开关的设计 15
3.9底座的设计 15
3.10床身中液压传动系统的设计 15
第四章 注塑机床身的材料选择 17
4.1床身的材料选择 17
第五章 注塑机床身工作部件的设计及装配图 18
5.1注塑机床身注射装置的设计 18
5.2注塑机床身液压传动系统的设计 18
5.3注塑机床身合模装置的设计 19
5.4注塑机床身的装配图 19
结束语 20
致 谢 21
参考文献 22