摘 要
Coffee is one of the mainstream drinks at the moment. The economic value is extremely high. Coffee beans are the main raw materials for making coffee. The outer layer is covered with a hard shell, and the use of artificial shelling is inefficient and the labor cost is high. According to the literature on coffee beans husking machine, the paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of coffee beans husking machine, and determines that the three-roll husking device is used as the basis for improving the design. The three-roll husking device is mainly composed of two dynamic rolls and one static roller., The roller is equipped with equidistance thread. The rotation speed difference between the dynamic roller and the static roller, the friction between the shell and the roller, and the extrusion effect to achieve shelling. The improved design mainly solves the problems such as the low husking rate of the original husking device, the inability to husk the size of the coffee beans, and the incomplete separation. The main contents of the improved design include: the addition of a secondary dehulling device on the basis of its original, the setting of a adjusting device on the original static roller, the separation device using the method of first wind selection and then screen, and the design and calculation of the transmission system.
Key words: coffee beans; Shelling; Wind selection; Double screening; Sole works
3.1 动辊的设计
○1A段通过平键连接链轮,链轮轮毂长为27.7mm,由文献[14]表6-1选取平键截面为: ,长为16mm,取A段直径为25mm,长为32mm;
○2B、F段用于安装滚动轴承,选择深沟球轴承6207,其基本尺寸为: ,故取B段直径为35mm,长为20mm;

目 录
1 概 述 1
1.1 课题研究背景 1
1.2 咖啡豆脱壳机的研究现状 1
1.2.1 咖啡豆脱壳装置国外研究现状 1
1.2.2 咖啡豆脱壳装置国内研究现状 1
1.2.3 分离装置的研究现状 4
1.3 该课题研究的主要内容 4
2 咖啡豆脱壳机方案设计 5
2.1 咖啡豆脱壳装置方案设计 5
2.2 咖啡豆分离装置方案设计 6
3 咖啡豆脱壳装置的设计 7
3.1 动辊的设计 7
3.2 静辊的设计 7
3.2 橡胶辊的设计 8
3.3 导流板的设计 9
3.4 调节装置的设计 10
4 分离装置的设计 11
4.1 风选装置的设计 11
4.1.1 风机的选择 11
4.2 网筛装置的设计 12
5 传动系统的设计 14
5.1 电机的选择 14
5.2 带传动设计计算 15
5.2.1 V带设计计算 15
5.2.2 带轮结构设计 17
5.3 齿轮设计计算 18
5.4 链传动设计计算 19
5.4.1 滚子链设计计算 19
5.4.2 链轮设计 20
5.5 轴的校核 22
6 咖啡豆脱壳机的机架设计 26
7 结论与展望 28
7.1 结论 28
7.2 展望 29
参 考 文 献 31
附录 32