摘 要
Through the market investigation of the present situation of Apple automatic peeling machine, this paper summarizes and analyzes the advantages that should have in the automatic apple peeling machine, sums up the design scheme, design steps and processes, and clarifies the design ideas. The performance of apple peeling machine is analyzed, and the transmission device is designed and calculated. Creo5.0 is used to simulate and analyze each part, so that the accuracy and reliability of the design can be guaranteed.
Automatic apple peeling machine should have the following advantages; First of all, the structure should be simple and compact and the performance should not be affected, secondly, the ability to learn automatically, the ability to remember the key shape changes and the economic cost should not be too high. Finally, the production efficiency and yield should be guaranteed. In order to be more safe and hygienic, it is also necessary to have a certain degree of versatility. Through this set of equipment, we can improve the innovation ability of enterprises and solve technical problems.
Key words:automatic, Apple peeling machines, drive systems and control systems, cutters, cutting tool.

目 录
1 引 言 1
1.1 课题的背景 1
1.2课题研的现状 1
1.2.1 手动水果削皮机 1
1.2.2 多果自动削皮机 2
1.3课题的内容和意义 2
2 整体设计方案 4
2.1 基本机构介绍 4
2.2 本次课题主要设计 4
2.2.1全自动水果削皮机的设计方案 4
2.2.2 主要设计流程 5
2.3 全自动水果削皮机设计思路 5
2.4 全自动苹果削皮机的整体性能 5
3 传动机构的设计 7
3.1 螺杆的选型 7
3.2传动装置设计 8
3.3 弹簧的设计 9
3.3.1 弹簧横截面上的应力计算 10
3.3.2 弹簧的受力分析 10
3.3.3 弹簧的核对 11
4 全自动水果切削机仿真 13
4.1刀具的材质选择与整体布局 13
4.2 有限元分析 14
4.2.1 刀片有限元分析 14
4.2.2 刀臂有限元分析 14
4.2.3 底座有限元分析 15
4.2.4 下插座有限元分析 16
5 总结与展望 18
谢 辞 19
参 考 文 献 20