Nowadays, radish is processed into slices, which is time-consuming and laborious to be completed by manual labor alone. The automatic batch slicing of radish is used to transport a large number of carrots orderly and slice them according to a certain thickness. It is convenient to operate, safe to use and highly automated. Design idea of automatic radish batch slicer: scheme selection, overall design, calculation of main parameters. The design is mainly divided into five parts: motor parts, transmission parts, conveying parts, tool rest parts, and feed tank parts, and draw its three-dimensional diagram. The driving mechanism adopts two-stage belt deceleration, the eccentric crank slider is used to realize the movement of the blade imitating the action of human, and the crank and rocker are combined to control the size of the radish slice, so that the radish slice thickness can be adjusted within the range. At present, there are many radish slicers in the market. We will study and integrate its advantages and improve its disadvantages, so that the equipment designed will be more and more perfect.
Key words:adish slicer; Overall plan; Structural design; Parameter calculation
2 全自动萝卜切片总体方案
2.1 全自动萝卜切片机的总体方案
2.1.2 全自动萝卜切片机功能分解

1 引言 1
1.1 全自动萝卜切片机研究背景 1
1.2 全自动萝卜切片机研究现状 1
1.3 选题的意义及目的 2
2 全自动萝卜切片机总体方案 3
2.1 全自动萝卜切片机的总体方案 3
2.1.1 全自动萝卜切片机功能要求 3
2.1.2 全自动萝卜切片机功能分解 3
2.1.3 全自动萝卜切片机按功能选择总体方案 4
2.2 全自动萝卜切片机刀具运动方案选择 5
2.2.1 刀具功能比较 6
2.2.2刀具运动机构比较 6
3全自动萝卜切片机结构设计 7
3.1 全自动萝卜切片机总体结构 7
3.1.1 传动箱设计 8
3.1.2偏心曲柄滑块机构和曲柄摇杆机构实现自动切片设计计算 9
3.1.3放料槽设计 12
3.1.4输送带设计 13
4全自动萝卜切片机零部件计算 15
4.1电机的选型 15
4.1.1 传动电机的选型 15
4.1.2 阶梯输送带和整理输送带减速机选型 15
4.2带传动比确定及传动带计算 16
4.2.1 传动比确定 16
4.1.2 传动带设计计算 16
4.3轴的设计计算 19
4.3.1 轴的材料选取和结构图 19
4.3.2 计算轴上功率和转速及转矩 20
4.3.3 料轴结构尺寸设计 20
4.3.4轴承的选型 21
5总结与展望 23
5.1 总结 23
5.2 展望 23
谢辞 24
参考文献 25