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摘 要
This paper provides an overview of rapid prototyping and manufacturing of domestic and international developments and their mode of production relative to other features of the comparison, and described the problems of FDM system, and described prospects of advantage and the principle of the FDM system
3D printer is a kind of equipment that can realize 3D printing. This design mainly designs FDM 3D printer which is widely used in the market. First of all, understand the relevant information about FDM laminated 3D printer, and understand its functional principle and structure. Then determine the overall plan of this design. Determine the main parameters and dimensions, and then carry out the overall structure design, including the design of XYZ mobile mechanism, including drive selection, transmission calculation and verification. Then the detailed design of structural parts and components is carried out. Draw the general assembly drawing and write the design specification to record the design process.
Key words:
3D printer, structure design, linear slide, drive design, lead screw drive

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1绪论 1
1.1 选题背景和意义 1
1.2 快速原型制造技术的原理 1
1.3 快速原型制造技术的特征 2
1.4国内外研究现状 2
1.4.1 国外发展现状 2
1.4.2 国内发展现状 3
1.5本文的研究内容 4
第二章 打印机总体方案设计 5
2.1设计主要内容 5
2.2 打印机总体方案设计 6
2.3 结构解释 7
第三章 打印机横向纵向移动机构设计 9
3.1 总体方案设计 9
3.1.1 进给要求 9
3.1.2 滑台方案设计 9
3.2 步进电机的选择 10
3.2.3技术参数及型号如下 11
3.3 同步带传动的计算与选型 11
3.3.1 同步带传动的特点 11
3.3.2 同步带的主要材料 13
3.3.3 同步带轮的主要类型 13
3.3.4 同步带传动的设计计算 13
3.4 导轨选型设计 16
3.4.1 导轨概述 16
3.4.2 导轨分类 16
3.4.3 导轨选型与长度计算 16
第4章 Z轴升降机构设计 19
4.1 总体方案设计 19
4.1.1 进给要求 19
4.1.2 进给方案设计 19
4.2 步进电机选择 19
4.2.1电动机轴负载计算 19
4.2.2 步进电机的负载能力校验 20
4.2.3技术参数及型号如下 21
4.3 滚珠丝杠设计 21
4.3.1 滚珠丝杠副概述 21
4.3.2 滚珠丝杠副计算 22
4.5 联轴器设计 24
4.5.1 联轴器的选型 24
4.4.2 转矩校核 26
第五章 设计总结 27
参考文献 28
致 谢 30