来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK717931 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK717931
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关键词:轴承 压装机 机械
This article is mainly about the design of the valve housing oil seal bearing press machine. Through the design of its mechanical structure, it can realize the press fit of the valve housing oil seal bearing. According to the process analysis of the bearing, the press-fitting is divided into two parts. In the design, they are called I station and II station respectively. The first chapter of this article first introduces the research background of the valve housing oil seal bearing press and explains the main significance of the design; the second chapter mainly introduces the development trend of the valve housing oil seal bearing press and the current research status at home and abroad, and then explains the valve The classification and working principle of the shell oil seal bearing press machine; Chapter 3 is mainly for design calculation and strength check; Chapter 4 is for the main component design and structural design of the valve shell oil seal bearing press machine through the design calculation in Chapter 3. So that it can deal with the goals of practical applications. Through this graduation project, I carried out a systematic analysis and application of the instructions I have learned in the past few years, exercised my proficiency in 3D drawing software and 2D drawing software, and exercised my ability to solve problems alone. , Laying a good foundation for future work.
Keywords: Bearing Press Machine Machinery
3 总体方案设计及设备选型计算
3.1 总体方案设计
1. Ⅰ工位气缸: MDB1F100-150-Z73L -XC12
2. 总行程: 150mm
3.力行程: 15mm
4.最大冲压力: 5600N/0.6Mpa
5.Ⅱ工位气缸: MDB1F100-150-Z73L -XC12
6.总行程: 150mm
7.力行程: 15mm
8.最大冲压力: 23000N/0.6Mpa
9.作业高度 750(工作台面高度)
10.生产节拍: 40S
11.外形尺寸: 1780mm×1670mm×600mm

目 录
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
1 绪论 5
1.1课题背景 5
1.2 本章小结 6
2 阀壳油封轴承压装机的技术路线 6
2.1 阀壳油封轴承压装机研究现状 6
2.2 主要研究内容及结构框架 7
2.3 设计要求 8
2.4 研究目的和意义 8
2.5 本章小结 9
3 总体方案设计及设备选型计算 9
3.1 总体方案设计 9
3.2气缸的选型 10
3.2.1减震器压装机定位机构气缸的选择 10
3.2.2 气缸的理论输出力 11
3.2.3气缸的负载率 11
3.2.4计算和选型 12
3.3直线滚动导轨副 14
3.4 螺栓强度校核 14
3.4.1受横向载荷铰制孔螺栓连接强度校核与设计 14
3.4.2受横向载荷紧螺栓连接强度校核与设计 15
3.5 本章小结 17
4 运用CAD进行建模 17
4.1软件概述 17
4.2总体结构建模 18
4.3 关键零件的设计 19
4.3.1底板的设计 19
4.3.2 支撑轴座与支撑轴的设计 19
4.3.3 压块连接件的结构设计 21
4.3.4 压紧部件上板的设计 21
4.4 装配 22
5 总结与展望 23
5.1 总结 23
5.2 展望 24
参考文献 25