Special mechanism for automatic loading and unloading of locomotive bearing seat
This design theme is a special mechanism for automatic loading and unloading of locomotive bearing seats. With the continuous improvement of industrial level, industrial production tends to be automated. At the same time, the liberation of manpower brings many opportunities. At this stage, automated production has obviously become the goal pursued by mankind, and has now been slowly realized. Many robots, such as robots in automobile processing, have come out. The manipulator robot is mainly used to realize the automatic loading and unloading and turning of the workpiece in the production of locomotive bearing seats, and to realize automatic production during the processing process.
There are many tasks to be completed in the design process. The general assembly drawing, part assembly drawing and non-standard part drawing of the manipulator must be drawn. At the same time, the calculation instructions of the designed part must be collated.
When designing, we must first select the driving method of the manipulator. Here I choose the hydraulic system to drive, because the manipulator is a 4 degree of freedom manipulator, and the 4 degrees of freedom are clamping / unclamping, lifting and rotating. Therefore, the design of clamping hydraulic cylinder, lifting hydraulic cylinder and rotating hydraulic cylinder.
Therefore, the manipulator not only satisfies these four free movements, it can also ensure reliable grasping, smooth and flexible transmission and accurate positioning. At the same time, a simple design of the hydraulic system is also required. The hydraulic system is a little obvious, small and light; large rigidity, high precision and fast response; large driving force, suitable for direct driving of heavy loads; wide speed range, speed control mode Diversity; self-lubrication, self-cooling and long life; easy to achieve safety protection.
The purpose of the design is to conform to the actual working conditions and safety conditions as much as possible on the premise of meeting the requirements. The working conditions in the workshop will cause certain actions to be dangerous. The cost of the manipulator must also be considered. Kinematics analysis to solve the problem to achieve the final requirements of this design.
Keywords: manipulator; automatic loading and unloading; hydraulic system.
1. 工件重量约为75Kg;
2. 工件最大尺寸:440mm×92mm×290mm(有关详细信息,请参见零件图);
3. 最大工作范围:最大起升高度70mm,最大转弯角度90°,最大水平移动距离400mm;
4. 机械手的自由度数:4个自由度分别为夹紧或松开,升降,移动和回转。
根据实际选择,液压传动处理器满足了我们的要求:其主要优点是:可以获得更大的生产能力,更小的传动速度,响应速度,并且易于控制输出功率和运动速度,并且可以实现更高的定位精度 。 通过夹紧液压缸,抬起液压缸,移动液压缸并旋转液压缸来控制紧固,拆卸,提升,向前和向后旋转。

摘要 1
绪论 4
1. 课题论证 4
1.1机车轴承座自动上下料专用机构结构设计研究的目的与意义 4
1.2文献综述 4
1.2.1国外发展现状 4
1.2.2国内发展现状 4
第1章 自动上下料机构的设计 6
第2章 机械手总体设计 7
2.1 手臂设计 7
2.1.1 夹紧液压缸的计算 7
2.1.2 升降液压缸计算 8
2.1.3 回转液压缸计算 10
2.2 机身其他部位计算 11
2.2.1 移动缸计算 11
2.2.2 齿轮轴计算 13
2.2.3 滑板计算: 15
2.2.4导轨计算: 17
2.3 机械手手部计算 19
2.3.1 手部选型 19
2.3.2 计算手指夹紧力 19
2.2.3 计算手指驱动力 19
2.3.4 手部结构强度校核 20
第3章 液压传动系统简单说明 23
3.1本次设计液压系统组成: 23
3.2 液压缸结构设计: 23
3.3设计参数 24
3.3.1 确定机械手的动作顺序 24
3.3.2 主要设计参数确定 25
3.4 辅助设备的选择 25
3.4.1油管及接头配件 25
3.4.2 机油滤清器 25
3.4.3存油的油箱 26
结束语 26
参考文献与附录 27