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Design of 10t Hydraulic Hoist
摘 要
This design is to analyze the working principle,the working environment and the working characteristic of the hydraulic winch,and union reality,after the careful observation,I design the overall construction,and choose,compute and examine the various parts of the hydraulic winch. The winch is made up of the import hydraulic motor,import balancing valve,the brake of many pieces,coupling,reel,supporting axle and rack . Also we may design the valve group for the distributor of the motor,like with balancing valve,high-pressured shuttle valve,velocity modulation cross valve or other performance valve groups. The characteristic of the construction is compact ,small,light,beautiful and so on,the characteristic of the performance is safe,the high efficiency,the big start torque,the best low-speed stability characteristic,the low noise,the reliable operation. The winch is quite steadily in the work of promotion and relaxation ,The winch with the coupling also may release the things free ,It is popular to the railroad locomotive ,the auto hoist,the ships, the oil field of drills picks,the geological prospecting,the coal mine,the harbor and the each kind of hoisting equipment.
Keywords: Hydraulic winch; Computation; Examination; Valve group
第二,第三和第四方案均同轴布置。即使液压马达和阀芯轴在同一中心线上,组装时也必须确保指定的同心度。 设计方案

目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外文献综述 1
第二章 卷扬机的总体设计 3
2.1 基本结构 3
2.1.1 卷扬机构结构方案及分析 3
2.2 工作原理 8
2.2.1工作过程 8
2.2.2动力 8
2.3卷筒的设计 10
2.3.1卷筒的分类和特点 10
2.3.2卷筒的尺寸 10
2.3.3卷筒强度校核 13
第三章 卷扬机液压系统设计 14
3.1 液压系统传动方案 14
3.2 元件计算 15
3.2.1液压马达 15
3.2.2液压阀 18
第四章 卷扬机机械结构设计 19
4.1轴。 19
4.1.1 轴的材料 19
4.1.2 轴的工作能力的计算 19
4.1.3 轴结构设计 22
4.2 离合器 23
4.2.1 特点 23
4.2.2 参数计算 23
4.3钢丝绳固定装置 27
4.3.1绳槽的选择 27
4.3.2钢丝绳 29
4.4轴承的选择 29
4.4.1轴承的选型 29
4.5联轴器的选型 31
4.5.1联轴器选型 31
4.5.2联轴器转矩校核 32
参考文献 33
致 谢 34