Sheet forming machine
摘 要
This paper focuses on the analysis of the machine forming process. First, the material and shape of the workpiece used in processing are clarified, so as to determine its torsion device, positioning, heating, clamping device and other parts. Secondly, calculate the design of the pneumatic or electric system to achieve the purpose of directional control, speed control circuit including hydraulic cylinder synchronous action circuit and other parts to run accurately.
The design content of the sheet forming machine is mainly to apply professional knowledge to complete the design of a special machine. Sheet forming machine is a kind of unsaturated polyester glass fiber which is filled with polyester resin composed of thickener, filler, mold release agent, curing agent, etc., impregnated, glass fiber yarn, covered with film on both sides to form a sandwich structure Increase production facilities for composite materials.
Keywords: sheet molding machine; polyester resin; rotary drive; heater

1 绪论 1
1.1 设计背景 1
1.2 国内片材与片材成型机的发展状况 2
1.2.1 片材的发展现状 2
1.2.2 片材成型机机的发展 3
1.2.3 国内片材成型机的发展趋势 3
1.3设计来源 3
1.4设计内容 3
1.4.1 片材成型机的分类 3
2 总体设计方案 6
2.1设计构想 6
2.2该设计课题应满足的基本要求 7
2.2.1 主要技术要求 7
2.2.2 机床硬件要求 7
2.2.3 人机适应性的要求 7
2.3 总方案的设计 7
2.3.1 重要技术指标 7
2.3.2 总体方案设计 8
2.3.3 总体方案的设计修改和优化 8
2.4 详细设计 8
2.5片材成型机的工作原理简析 8
2.6 设计整体综合评价 9
3零件的选型 9
3.1三十度梯形丝杠、30度梯形丝杠用螺帽 9
3.2气缸 10
3.3 定位误差的分析与计算 10
3.3.1 夹具装夹工艺基准用夹具装夹加工时的工艺基准 11
3.3.2 定位误差的概念 11
3.3.3 定位误差产生的原因及其计算 11
3.4导向轴 13
3.5聚氨酯垫圈 14
3.6螺栓 14
3.7旋转气缸: 15
3.7.1 定义 15
3.7.2 旋转气缸结构 15
3.7.3 选型 15
3.8 联轴器 19
3.8.1 转矩校核 20
3.9 微型光传感器 20
3.10轴承 20
3.11加热装置 21
3.12带 22
3.13伺服电机的计算选择 24
总结 26
致谢 27