摘 要
社会稳步向前发展,人类也在逐渐提升自己,与此同时生活水平逐渐得到改善,,城市建设也更规范,整洁。现如今城市高楼大厦, 美观是高层建筑建设的目标, 建筑的外墙的装饰材料种类也日益增多,如瓦砖,特殊涂料,或玻璃等等。但是,天气的变化莫测,风霜雪雨,日光辐射以及雾霾污染, 沙尘天气都会使建筑物外墙遭受到不同程度的污染损害,变得破旧,甚至破损, 不再像刚开始那么干净整洁美观,建筑物外墙是城市形象表现形式之一,他就好比人身上的衣服, 要保持干净、整洁,如果受污染以及损坏,我们就需要对他进行清洗, 整理,以及日常维护和保养等。
关键词: 高层建筑外墙 清洗机 升降机
With the steady development of the society, human beings are gradually improving themselves. At the same time, the living standards are gradually improved. The urban construction is also more standardized and tidy. Nowadays, the beauty of high-rise buildings is the goal of high-rise building construction. However, the unpredictable weather, wind, frost, snow and rain, solar radiation and haze pollution, sand and dust weather will cause different degrees of pollution damage to the outer wall of the building, which will become dilapidated, even damaged, no longer as clean and beautiful as it was at the beginning. The outer wall of the building is one of the expression forms of the city image, just like the clothes on the human body, which should be kept clean and tidy, If it is polluted or damaged, we need to clean it, arrange it, and maintain it.
The characteristics of high-rise building exterior wall cleaning machine are small investment, low cost, safe and reliable work, high efficiency, small environmental pollution, low cost and resource saving. The machine is composed of two parts. One is the lifting system on the top of high-rise building, which is driven by the lifting rope and hook. The second part is the cleaning machine, which is attached to the external wall of high-rise building. When the cleaning machine is working on the outer wall of high-rise building, the two speed motor inside the elevator starts to start, driven by the steel wire rope frame and starts to rise rapidly. Wait until it reaches the expected position, the two speed motor stops working immediately and starts to brake. Adjust the position of the cleaning machine, then stop the brake, and then turn the two speed motor back on. The whole frame starts to slow down At the same time, the spray nozzle at the top of the rack starts to spray water, and the cleaning brush on each guide rail starts to rotate under the drive of each motor and moves in a circular motion along its own track, and starts to clean the stains on the exterior wall to make the exterior wall clean, clean and beautiful.
Key words:
the external walls of high-rise building; washing machine lifts; washing machine.
主要参数 :如图表2.2
双速电机额定功率 2.4KW 1.5KW
双速电机额定转速 1500r/min 750/min
减速器传动比 8
卷筒转速约 186 r/min 93 r/min
钢丝绳上升速度约 0.6m/s
钢丝绳下降速度约 0.3m/s

目 录
第1章 序言 1
1.1 我国建筑清洗行业的发展详情与现状 1
1.2 清洗建筑表面的意义 3
1.3 高层建筑外墙清洗机方法介绍 4
1.4 高层建筑外墙清洗机简介 7
第2章 整机的工作原理和主要参数 7
2.1 工作原理 7
2.2 升降机的结构框架图与主要参数 8
第3章 清洗机提升机的设计 9
3.1 钢丝绳的选择 9
3.2 卷筒的设计计算 10
3.3 减速器的选择 13
3.4 滑轮的设计 15
3.5 吊钩的设计 15
3.6 联轴器的选择 16
3.7 制动器的选择 19
3.8 双速电机的选择 20
3.9 脚轮的选择 20
3.10 杆臂的设计及其强度校核 21
3.11 定位支撑杆的设计 23
第4章 传动零件的选择及其校核 24
4.1 电机输出轴和减速器输入轴的键 24
4.2 减速器输出轴的键 25
4.3 与卷筒和轴承连接的短轴 25
4.4 杆臂上滚针轴承的寿命计算 26
第5章 清洗部分设计 26
5.1 清洗机 26
5.2 使用方法 27
第六章 高层外请清洗机升降机使用的注意事项 28
设计总结及展望 29
参考文献 30
致 谢 31