MA209B-180Design of type dyeingmachine
Large-scale dyeing machine is also known as large-scale wheel dyeing cylinder is an early application of cotton and linen fabric dyeing machine. In addition to dyeing, the large-scale dyeing machine can also be used to treat fabrics such as desizing, scouring, bleaching, washing, etc. Because of its simple structure, wide application, low price, and suitable for small batch and multi-variety production, Therefore, it is widely used in printing and dyeing plants. With the development of production and the progress of science and technology, the design of large-scale dyeing machine has changed greatly. Great changes have taken place from manufacturing materials to mechanical structure, mechanical transmission, automation degree, processing ability and so on, which have been greatly developed and improved.
Large-scale dyeing machine is related to the development of a country, but there has been a lack of a large-scale dyeing machine suitable for our country. As a result, MA209B large-scale dyeing machine will be used and born. A complete winder system includes: mechanical transmission part, chain mechanism, reducer, magnetic powder clutch, overrun clutch, microcomputer controller, testing mechanism, etc. The testing mechanism and magnetic powder clutch, the closed-loop system composed of the overrunning clutch can ensure the fabric to run under the specified tension, ensure the fabric can run at a certain speed, and ensure the fabric dyeing even. And give full play to the maximum efficiency of the machine, improve its service life, and so on.
By referring to the excellent dyeing machines at home and abroad, the design is based on the domestic MA209A, and the corresponding improvements are made by consulting a large number of documents and analyzing the feedback of the users. The design mainly includes the design of the main machine structure, the drawing design of the whole machine, the design of the mechanical transmission parts (including the determination of the power of the motor, the installation mode of the clutch, the check of the gear and shaft of the reducer, etc.).
KEY WORDS:Dyeing machine; mechanical transmission part; safety, machine tool, ma

目 录
MA209B-180型卷染机设计 1
摘 要 i
1绪论 1
2 设计准备工作 6
2.1 对用户进行技术调研 6
2.2 对国外大型卷染机参数的参考 6
2.3 设计指导思想 7
2.3.1 根据国内外市场,确定卷径1200mm的卷染机 7
2.3.2 针对MA209A卷染机缺陷,改进设计 7
3 MA209B卷染机设计参数与材料 8
3.1 设计参数 8
3.2 MA209B机械结构材料介绍 10
4 MA209B大型卷染机主机设计计算 12
4.1 机械传动系统设计方案 12
4.2 MA209B采用JC-90-1型号微机控制器 12
4.3 确定两卷布辊中心距 13
4.4 确定浴槽容积 14
4.5 浴槽外形尺寸的设计 15
4.6 主机结构设计 16
5 机器部件设计 19
5.1 机械传动部件的设计 19
5.2 传动系统的技术条件 19
5.3 公称宽度为180cm传动链设计 19
6 各构件惯性力矩 25
6.1 卷布辊的惯性力矩 25
6.2 检测辊的惯性力矩 26
6.3 导布辊的惯性力矩 26
6.4 扩幅架压布辊的惯性力矩 27
6.5 电动机及离合器的确定 27
6.5.1 电动机的选择 27
6.5.2 磁粉离合器参数确定及其校核 28
6.6 机器最小张力校核 30
6.7 传动链设计 32
7 传动部件校核 37
7.1 传动部件主要零件强度校核 37
7.2 减速器的设计 38
7.2.1 现列举几种主要的齿轮传动类型 38
7.2.2 轴的结构设计 41
7.3 超越离合器的设计 43
7.3.1 减速器离合器 43
7.3.2 超越离合器主要尺寸的确定 44
7.3.3 磁粉离合器选用超越离合器制动的设计 45
8 MA209B型卷染机的组装要求及操作 47
8.1 Ma209b型大型卷染机的安装注意事项 47
8.2 Ma209b型大型卷染机的试验要求 48
8.3 部件具体安装注意事项 48
8.4 浴槽部件设计 48
8.4.1 浴槽下结合件设计。 48
8.4.2 浴槽上结合部件。 49
8.4.3 密封门安装注意事项 50
9卷染机未来发展形势 51
附录 52
参考文献 55
外文资料 57
中文译文 64
致 谢 69