摘 要
J31-125 Closed single point crank press
The development of manufacturing industry is an important guarantee of national economic development, and it is also an important criterion for judging whether a country's scientific and technological strength and national defense strength are ahead. Forging manufacturing is one of the most widely used manufacturing methods in the world at present in the machinery manufacturing industry. In forging press, crank press occupies a large proportion. The crank press mainly stores the energy of the motor through the flywheel, and releases energy through the crankshaft and the slider connected to it at the moment of operation. Today, with the rise of the automotive industry, crank presses and other forging equipment have developed rapidly. It is well known that the modern forging process has the advantages of high efficiency, good quality, low energy saving and low cost. Therefore, more and more advanced industrial countries are using forging techniques instead of traditional cutting techniques and other techniques. In recent years, mechanical presses have been widely used in stamping, dressing, bending, folding, shallow stretching and other cold stamping processes. They are essential for automobiles, motorcycles, household appliances, instrumentation, light industry, national defense industry, chemical containers, and electronics. Key equipment. With the development of industry, there are more and more types and quantities of pressure machines, and more and more quality requirements and capabilities. Its role in machinery manufacturing and other related industries has become increasingly prominent. Therefore, the requirements for the accuracy and productivity of the press are also getting higher and higher. Therefore, it is very necessary to optimize the design of the press. The fuselage structure, transmission system, accessories, and auxiliary systems of the press are optimized. The production is highly efficient. High precision, low cost, automation and other modern manufacturing characteristics of the press, is worth studying and discussing.
Key words: Forging and compression manufacturing; Crank press; Forging process ...

目 录
摘 要 I
1 曲柄压力机概述 1
1.1 曲柄压力机的构件以及工作原理 1
1. 2 J31-125压力机的主要技术参数 3
1.2.1 公称压力 3
1.2.2 滑块行程 3
1.2.3 滑块每分钟行程次数 3
1.2.4 装模高度 3
1.2.5 压力机工作台面尺寸及滑块底面尺寸 4
1.2.6 漏料孔尺寸 4
1.2.7 模柄孔尺寸 4
1.2.8 立柱间距离 5
2 J31-125压力机的方案对比和选择 7
2.1 电动机的选择 7
2. 2 计算总功 8
2.2.1 工作变形功A1 8
2.2.2 拉延垫工作功A2 8
2.2.3 工作行程时由于曲柄滑块机构的摩擦所消耗的能量A3 9
2.2.4 工作行程时由于压力机受力系统的弹性变形所消耗的能量A4 9
2.2.5 压力机空程向下和空程向上时所消耗的能量A5 10
2.2.6 滑块停顿飞轮空转时所消耗的能量A6 10
2.2.7 单次行程时,离合器接合所消耗的能量A7 11
2.3 传动系统的对比和设计 12
2.3.1 确定滑块上加力点的数目及机构的运动分析 13
2.3.2 确定传动系统的布置方式 16
2.3.3 确定传动级数和各传动比的分配 17
2.3.4 选择离合器和制动器的类型 18
3 主要零件的设计与校核 23
3.1 V带和带轮设计 23
3.1.1 确定计算功率Pca 23
3.1.2 选取窄V带带型 23
3.1.3 确定带轮基准直径 23
3.1.4 确定窄V带的基准直径和传动中心距 23
3.1.5 验算主动轮上的包角α1 24
3.1.6 计算窄V带的根数z 24
3.1.7 计算预紧力 24
3.1.8 计算作用在轴上的压轴力 25
3.2 齿轮的设计 25
3.2.1 概述 25
3.2.2 传动齿轮的设计 26
3.3 轴的设计 30
3.3.1 大皮带轮轴的设计 30
3.3.2 偏心齿轮轴的设计 32
3.4 滑块与导轨的设计 35
3.5 连杆的设计 36
3.5.1 连杆及装模高度调节机构 36
3.5.2 连杆及调节螺杆的强度校核 36
3.5.3 滑动轴承的校核 37
4 机身的设计 39
4.1 机身的比较和选择 39
4.2 机身的强度计算 40
4.2.1 立柱和拉紧螺栓强度校核 40
5 辅助装置的选择 45
5.1 过载保护装置的选择 45
5.2 拉延垫 45
5.3 滑块平衡装置 45
5.4 润滑系统 46
总结 49
附录 50
参考文献 51
外文文献 52
中文翻译 62