来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK717908 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK717908
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摘 要
Fully automatic dumpling rolling machine with the growth of pasta industry, its application has been greatly developed, in ensuring the productivity of the premise of greatly reducing the use of artificial, suitable for assembly line work; at the same time can be applied to the family to use, to meet a variety of occasions. The research and development status of dumpling leather machine and its significance were analyzed by consulting data.. After understanding the working characteristics of the leather making machine, the design and calculation of the feeding mechanism and the transmission system are carried out on the basis of understanding the basic structure and working principle of the leather making machine.The development of food industry promotes the continuous development of food machinery manufacturing industry. The new design concept guides and restricts the development of food machinery. Under the concept of sustainable development, combined with environmental protection and food safety issues, a new concept of parallel green design is proposed. Explore the key points of food machinery design, and guide the innovation and development of food machinery manufacturing industry with new ideas.
In this design, motor is used as power source and worm gear reducer is used as main transmission mechanism. The power distribution mechanism uses the transmission mode of the shunt shaft. At the same time, the main parts and assembly drawings of dumpling machine are drawn.
Key words:Dumpling wrapper;leather making machine;productivity;research and development;design calculation

目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 前景及发展状况 1
1.2 研究目的及意义 2
第二章 总体方案拟定 5
2.1 动力系统拟定 5
2.2 和面机构设计 6
2.2.1 卧式和面机 6
2.2.2 敞开式和面机 7
2.2.3 立式和面机 8
2.2.4 和面机概述 9
2.3 和面机设计选择 10
2.3.1 和面的面水比例 13
2.3.2电动机选择原则 15
2.3.3电动机额定转速选择 15
2.4 擀皮机构设计 15
2.4.1 影响压片的主要因素 16
2.5 压面机构 17
2.6 成皮机构设计 17
2.7 输送带部分设计 18
2.7.1 输送带概述 18
2.7.2 带式输送带传动部分设计 18
第三章 传动系统计算 19
3.1 电动机的选择 19
3.1.1 功率的选择 21
3.1.2 转速的选择 21
第四章 蜗杆传动的设计 22
4.1 蜗杆传动的特点及应用 22
4.1.1 蜗轮蜗杆 22
4.2 蜗轮蜗杆常用材料及热处理 23
4.2.1 蜗杆传动的失效形式 23
4.2.2 蜗轮蜗杆材料的选择 23
4.2.3 选择蜗杆传动类型 24
4.2.4 蜗杆与蜗轮的主要参数与几何尺寸 27
4.2.5 校核齿根弯曲疲劳强度 28
4.2.6 验算效率η 28
4.2.7 精度等级公和表面和精度的确定 28
4.2.8 蜗杆传动的热平衡核算 29
第五章 链传动的设计计算 29
5.1 链传动的特点、类型及应用 29
5.1.1 链轮的设计 30
5.1.2 链条的主要参数选择 31
第六章 其他附件设计 36
6.1 轴的设计 36
6.1.1 轴的材料 37
6.1.2 轴的设计与校核 37
6.1.3 轴的结构尺寸初步确定 38
6.1.4 键的选择与强度校核 39
第七章 三维模型的建立 41
7.1 三维建模 41
7.2 和面机构三维模型 42
7.3 压面机构三维模型 42
7.4 擀皮机构三维模型 43
7.5 回收机构三维模型 43
7.6 制皮机三维模型 44
附录 45
总结 45
参考文献 46
外文资料 48
中文译文 53
致谢 58